
beautiful world的歌曲歌词

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[2019电音歌曲排行榜前十名都有哪些歌]2019电音歌曲排行榜前十名:《Faded》、《Somebody》、《Counting Stars》、《Colors》、《Red Lights》、《Beautiful Now》、《Ten Feet Tall》、《Lighthouse》、《Heroes...+阅读

I wish I knew why the clouds above are so beautiful

And I wish that I knew why they create pictures for me

and you

It's a miracle for us to share

White and grey patterns up in the air

I could daydream and look at the sky forever

Can't you see that it's a beautiful world

Come with me, I'll show you

Open your eyes and see the beauty around

Take my hand, and I'll lead you

It's so wonderful, so magical

Just see other day

I saw an angel and a polar bear playing games in the


I saw a king sat in a great big chair

If you look at the clouds everyway

Then they tell us a story each day

And they don't make a sound but they'll share together

Can't you see that it's a beautiful world

Come with me, I'll show you

Open your eyes and see the beauty around

Take my hand, and I'll lead you

It's so wonderful, so magical

It's so wonderful, so magical



Beautiful world...

Can't you see that it's a beautiful world

Come with me, I'll show you

Open your eyes and see the beauty around

Take my hand, and I'll lead you

It's so wonderful, so magical

It's so wonderful, so magical

It's a beautiful world...


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