

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急!急!急!英语求助信!]Dear Mr Wang, This is Li Hua. Remember me? How are you now? I need your help because I find I'm not very used to the high school life. We have nine subjects in...+阅读

As known, China is one of four ancient and civilization countries in the world. China is a very big country with five thousand years history; it stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. There are fifty-six peoples in our country. We get along well with each other. Chinese food is very famous for its good tasty and nutrition. Every year, plenty of people who are from different countries come china to have a sightseeing .they can visit lots of places of interest. I am proud of being born in china. I love china. I love my motherland.


英语作文:写给英文老师的一封求助的信Dear teacher Now the high school English feeling more and more difficult than that of the secondary schools more difficult, do not go in a little school, but I...

一份初二的英语求助信Dear Editor, I love music when I was young. However, it's really hard for me to decide which instrument I should choose to learn. I want to learn how to play th...

关于环保问题的作文46亿年前。有一颗蔚蓝色的星球诞生在浩瀚的宇宙中,她是那样美丽。那就是我们的母亲——地球。 46亿年后的今天,也虽风华正茂,但却不在意气风发,因为他最小的孩子——人类,令她很...


环境污染及保护的作文爱护环境,保护地球 生活中,环境污染不断地影响着我们的生活。比如:被污染的空气、河流和垃圾污染等等,已经严重地破坏了我们的生活环境。 河流被污染了,水中的生物将无法生存,也不...

英语作文开学第一天(一)How quickly time has flown by! My summer holiday is over. Our school is much more beautiful than before. The grass in front of the office building is so green...

开学第一天英语作文A person's life record is updated. That is to say in a person's life has many times beginning and end. Every year is a new beginning, every day is a new beginni...

开学第一天英语作文急用!Now my holiday is over and I begin to study at school again .I had a very good time at my holiday and I have finished all my homework .Besides most of the house...

描写中国的英语作文China The People's Republic of China is a socialism country with its own characteristics. It is one of the developing countries. China lies in the east of Asia....
