

11月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[红领巾广播稿—《学礼仪讲品德》]【甲】尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学 【乙】你们好!红领巾广播开始啦! 【甲】我是四(1)中队的朱中意 【乙】我是四(1)中队的翁睿 【甲】本期红领巾广播为大家准备了《中华小故事》、《生...+阅读

红领巾广播稿-牵手文明礼仪 甲:亲爱的同学们,敬爱的老师们,下午好, 乙:第三实验小学新苗红领巾广播又准时和大家见面了,我是播音员张艺莹。 甲:我是播音员林一涵。 合:本期红领巾广播的主题是”牵手文明礼仪” 乙: 中华民族悠悠5000年的历史长河,闪耀着勤劳、智慧的中华儿女创造的璀璨文明。中华礼仪是祖先留给我们宝贵的历史文化遗产,中国以“礼仪大国”、“礼仪之邦”的美誉著称于世。

我们作为新世纪的接班人,要继承先辈们的优良传统。在礼仪源远流长的中华大地,作为新世纪接班人的我们,更应把这属于炎黄子孙的传统美德发扬光大。 甲: 是啊!当我们接触一个人之后,常常会给他一些评语:“这个人素质高,有风度”;“这个人有教养,谈吐文雅”;“这个人太差劲,连句客气话都不会说”;“这个人俗不可耐,满嘴脏话”;“这个人太邋遢,衣服皱皱巴巴,连脸也没洗干净”……一个素质高、有教养的人,必须有良好的文明礼仪。

这样的人,被人尊重,受人欢迎,从心理学上讲,被众人接纳的程度高,有利于建立和谐的人际关系,有利于学习和工作的开展。如果缺乏教养,不懂文明礼仪,大家都不欢迎,怎么与人交往,立足社会呢? 乙: 所以文明礼仪要从小培养,形成良好习惯。还是那句老话:“少成若天性,习惯成自然。”有的同学对自己的文明礼仪习惯不够重视。有的同学认为,现代社会讲个人自由,懂不懂文明礼仪没关系,只要学习好、有真本事就行了。



小学、中学都有《学生守则》和《行为规范》,有的地区,例如北京,还专门制订了《中小学生文明礼仪规范》。这里,就最重要的文明礼仪和同学们一起来学习。 甲:先请听公共场所礼仪. 公共场所礼仪包括走路、问路、乘车、购物、在影剧院等方面。走路除了注意体态、姿式之外,要遵守交通规则,遇到熟人要打招呼,互致问候,不能视而不见;如见到熟人需要交谈,应靠边儿或到角落谈话,不能站在道路当中或人多拥挤的地方;行人互相礼让,青年人主动给长者让路,健康人主动给残疾人让路。



甲:那我们在学校又应该以怎样的准则来规范自己的文明礼仪呢?做到安全文明在校园呢.?下面就请听校园文明拍手歌 你拍一我拍一,校园安全意义重,关系全体师与生。 你拍二我拍二,人人有责靠人人,一时一刻不放松。 你拍三我拍三,上下楼梯要注意,不可推搡和拥挤。 你拍四我拍四,校园内,教室里,切勿追逐打闹急。 你拍五我拍五,小心脚下台阶路,一不小心出事故。 你拍六我拍六,栏杆处,要远离,推靠踩越危旦夕。

你拍七我拍七,楼台上,莫扔、吐,小心下边有人过。 你拍八我拍八,随地吐痰是陋习,乱丢乱扔不允许。 你拍九我拍九,出言不逊是非惹,打架斗殴要杜绝。 你拍十我拍十,校园安全文明歌,勤学勤记细斟酌。 活学活用落实处,安全文明结硕果。 希望同学们能够以自己的实际行动“创建文明校园,争做文明学生。 乙:时间真快,这一期的红领巾广播又要和大家说再见了。 同学们,请记住我们的服务准则:传授知识,播撒欢乐 本期红领巾广播到此结束,同学们再见。

The red scarf broadcast is issued - in hand and civilized manners A: Dear students, Dear teachers, good afternoon, B: the Third Experimental Primary School Xinmiao red scarf broadcast time to meet you, I was the announcer Zhang Yi Ying. A: I was the announcer Linyi Han. Together: Current the red scarf broadcasting the theme is the "hand of civilized manners" B: the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation created a lengthy 5,000-year-long history of the Chinese nation, shining industrious wisdom shining civilization. The Chinese etiquette ancestors left us a valuable historical and cultural heritage, etiquette big country, "ceremonies" in the world known to the world. We, as the successor of the new century, inherited the fine tradition of the fathers. In the etiquette ancient land of China, as the new century successors should this belongs to the descendants of the traditional virtues flourish. A: Yes, ah! After contact with a person, we often will give him some of the reviews: "This man is of high quality and grace"; "educated, elegant style of conversation"; "This man is too bad, even the sentence for his kind words addressed to me. not say ";" vulgar, foul-mouthed ";" This man is too dirty, clothes wrinkled face did not even wash "... a high-quality, educated people, there must be a good civilization etiquette. This respect, wele, from a psychological perspective, a high degree of acceptance by everyone, is conducive to the establishment of a harmonious interpersonal relationships conducive to learning and carry out the work. If ungentlemanly, civilized manners do not know, we do not wele, how to relate to people, based on the munity? B: So civilized manners from an early age to form good habits. The old saying goes: "less as if nature, second nature." Some students are not paid enough attention to their own civilization etiquette. Some students think that stresses individual freedom in modern society, understand, and civilized manners does not matter, as long as the study, there is a real skill on the line. In fact, if we look carefully around the characters, the boys could not pay attention to the mass media, who he a successful career civilized manners? Modern society does respect the choice of the individual freedom, human civilization and etiquette requirements, however, higher civilized etiquette is an important symbol of the degree of civilization of a society. Modern society, more and more formal occasions, Are We do not want to bee board "something"? Some parents think that the innocent children, would like to how to how to grow up to know how to civilized manners, which is misunderstood. On the one hand, we childhood not to cultivate good habits, they are bound to form bad habits and bad habits formed, and then changed it is difficult. Think about it, now some students speak no big or small, house guests being polite, no one else to pick and choose on the table, covered with sweat does not wash, do not cut nails old long ...... if we are not corrected in a day morning suddenly bee a kind of it? On the other hand, we were young, cultured and civilized manners habits of innocence, and we are not contradictory performance, the more we understand the etiquette children more access to the free development of the vast, because he is weled by the people. Primary and secondary schools he a "Student Code and the Code of Conduct, in some areas, such as Beijing, but also specifically formulated the" civilized etiquette norms of primary and middle school students. Here, the most important of civilized manners and students work together to learn. A: Please listen to the etiquette of public places. Public places rituals include walking, ask for directions, treling, shopping, theaters and other aspects. Walk in addition to pay attention to the outside of the body, posture, to ply with rules of the road, to encounter acquaintances want to say hello, and exchanged greetings, can not turn a blind eye; see acquaintances need to talk, children should step aside or talk to the corner, which not stand on the road or people crowded places; pedestrian courteous to each other, young people take the initiative to make way for the elderly healthy people take the initiative to make way for people with disabilities. To other people about the road, to use the polite language greeting such as "I'm sorry to bother you about," Excuse me ", the young man asking for directions to be elected an appropriate title, such as the" grandfather "," aunt "," uncle ", and then ask the road; must say after listening to the answer: "Thank you!" If a stranger asking for directions, you should seriously and carefully answer their own do not know, should say: "I'm sorry, please ask someone else." to the store, you can not "God" itself, to use polite language, taboo with "Hello", "cough" and other words, should say "thank you" after shopping. Loudly in movie theaters, not not throw confetti peel; try to advance a little scene, holing If you arrive late, walking posture when seated lower, faster; see live performances, to respect the actortimely polite applause; actor curtain call, early exit. By public electric, car, train, people crowded to take care of the elderly, children and people with disabilities; between people jostling each other, not pleasant to hold understanding, tolerance attitude; want to keep the car hygienic environment, not throwing things; students on the bus do not rush seat. A: That we in the school and what criteria should be to regulate their own civilization and etiquette? Done safe and civilized campus? Below please listen Campus civilization clapping song You shoot one I shot a campus safety significance of all divisions of the relationship with the Health. You shoot two I shot two, is everyone's responsibility to rely on everyone, one fifteen does not relax. You take three I shot three, up and down stairs to pay attention, can not be pushed and crowded. You get four I shot four campus, classroom, Do not chasing anxious. You shoot five I shot five carefully at the foot of the stairs road accident accidentally. You shoot six I shot six, railings, to stay away from the more dangerous overnight, pushed against the step. You take seven I shot seven, on the balcony, Mo throw, spit, carefully below someone over. You take eight I shot eight, spitting bad habits, litter and litter is not allowed. You shoot nine I shot nine, disrespectful non-provoke fights to eradicate. You shoot 10 I shot ten, campus security civilized song, studious diligence Hutchison fine discretion. Of learning and using the implementation of at Fruitful safe and civilized. I hope the students own actions "create a civilized campus to bee civilized students. B: a really fast time, this issue of the red scarf broadcast again to say goodbye. Students, please remember that our service standards: to impart knowledge sown joy Current the red scarf broadcast ends, students goodbye.


红领巾广播稿文明礼仪专题甲:敬爱的老师 乙:亲爱的同学们 甲:伴着这熟悉而欢快的开播曲,红领巾广播又和您见面啦! 我是播音员( )我是播音员( ) 乙:首先向大家播报校园新闻9月21日下午,我校召开了深入学习实践科...
