

01月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[推荐几首可以婚礼上新人对唱的歌曲要旋律比较轻快歌词意义好]您好,下面是我推荐的几首歌。 1.In Your Eyes 杨丞琳 罗志祥 2.你被写在我的歌里 吴青峰 ella 3.(最推荐这首)我们结婚吧 金莎 刘佳 这首还算比较新的吧 男: 从前不知道永远是什...+阅读

The wedding started with the seating of the parents and grandparents by Nelson Eanes (father of the groom) and David and Michael Eanes (brothers of the groom), and Robert Stewart (father of the bride) and Ryan Stewart (brother of the bride). The hour was chimed: three tolls of the bell for 3 o'clock. Anita Manly, a friend of Ricky's, sang "When You Say Nothing At All". The processional was "Canon in D". The bridesmaids dresses were a wine color, similar in color to the text on the screen. The groomsmen wore tuxedos with gray patterned vests and bow ties with the same pattern. Of course, the entrance of the bride was next - the traditional Bridal Chorus was played. This brought about the first emotional moment of the day; unfortunately, none of the wedding party was easily privy to it, because Ricky was facing away from all of us. Talking with Ricky's sister-in-law Cammie later, I found out that at the beginning of the chorus, before he could see Tammy, Ricky was smiling (and tearing up just a little bit). When he saw Tammy for the first time in her dress, however, to quote Cammie, "He just lit up. He had a huge smile on his face, and his dimples were two inches in. It was a perfect reaction." Ronnie Brewer, the presiding minister, gave a few thoughts on love and what marriage should be. When he asked who gave this bride away to be joined in holy matrimony, Mr. Stewart replied "Her mother and I", and with a small kiss, he gave her hand to Ricky, and the bride and groom came together for the first time. The vows were exchanged, and the second emotional moment occurred. Ricky was first, and he made it through wonderfully. He was smiling, but concentrating...you could see that he wanted everything to be perfect. When Tammy's turn came to repeat the vows, she started strongly. Ronnie said, "To be my wedded husband" - and for a couple of seconds there was a deafening silence. Then, Tammy tearfully spoke perhaps the happiest words she had ever said in her life. "To be my wedded husband"... I have cried at exactly one wedding in my life, my sister's. It was at this point that I was extremely close to making this wedding the second one. You could feel the emotion charged behind the words; it wasn't simply a recitation. It was a heart pouring out words that meant more to her than simply speaking them could show. It struck me as one of the most powerful moments in the service; power in frailty. It truly was a beautiful thing. After the exchanging of the vows, "How Beautiful" was sang by Amanda Warren, one of the maids of honor. Next, the rings were exchanged. Ronnie again made some comments, this time about how rings were symbolic of eternity because they were circular and were made of precious things that would not tarnish. At this point he lightened up the mood considerably by telling Ricky that if he'd "picked a good ring like we all hope you did", it wouldn't tarnish either. The exchange and the accompanying vows all went well. Next, the couple lit the unity candle. "I Will Be Here" was performed by Keith McLeod and Ronnie McCain while they did so. The couple invited the wedding party and the congregation to join them in a prayer for their marriage. They knelt at a prayer bench while the minister prayed over them. Then the moment arrived. By the power of the state and acting in God's authority, Ronnie pronounced Ricky and Tammy husband and wife. Ricky kissed his bride, and the couple were announced for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomas Eanes. The new couple proceeded down the aisle to "Hymn to Joy" as the congregation applauded them. This was a wonderful ceremony to have been a part of, and I feel privileged to be a part of my two friends' wedding day and to celebrate the love that they have for each other. I wish you both nothing but the best, and may your love for each other increase with every passing day. God bless you both - He already has by giving you each other.


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