[与文明礼仪有关的标语]讲文明从我做起,树新风从现在开始 FTJ02 尊敬他人就是尊敬自己,与人方便就是与己方便 FTJ03 社会是我家,文明靠大家 FTJ04 你我他多一份自觉,办公环境多一份清洁 FTJ05 恶语一出...+阅读
F: Welcome aboard! F: 欢迎你来本公司工作! C: Thank you,I'm delighted to be working here,Mr.Buchwald.It's a pleasure to meet you again. 谢谢。我很高兴能来这里上班,布华奇先生。我很荣幸再见到您。(后一句可以用于面试的时候已经见过的某人) F: Welcome aboard! 欢迎你来本公司工作! C: Thank you,I'm delighted to be working here,Mr.Buchwald.It's a pleasure to meet you again.谢谢。我很高兴能来这里上班,布华奇先生。我很荣幸再见到您。(后一句可以用于面试的时候已经见过的某人) F: Call me Buck,will you?My name is Reginald Buchwald but everybody call me Buck.It's easier.叫我布客就可以了,好吗?我的全名是雷奇纳客.布奇华,但是大家都叫我布客。这样比较方便。 C: I would hesitate to call you anything but Mr.Buchwald.Isn't it rather disrespectful to make a nickname out of the family name? 除了布奇华先生之外,我不好直呼其他名字,替别人另外取绰号,不是很不礼貌吗? F: Well,President Eisenhower was known as Ike.Everybody in this company all the way up and down the line is called by his or her first name. 嗯,艾森豪威尔总统也被昵称为艾克。
我们公司的上上下下都是直呼每个人的名字。 F:It's been our tradition ever since the company was small.And don't worry about the disrespect business.OK?在我们公司规模很小的时候这就已经形成传统。不要担心不礼貌的事了,好吗? C:I'll try.我会试试看。 F:Good.But when there are outsiders,like business people from other companies,it might be good practice to address your higher-ups as Mr.,Ms.orwhatever is appropriate. 好。不过。如果有外人在时,如其他公司的人,最好能称呼你的上司为先生、小姐或任何适当的称谓。 F:To the outside world,our custom may be interpreted as a singn of flippancy or lax discipline.Get it? 对外人而言,我们的习惯可能会是轻率的和纪律松懈的表现。明白吗? C:Yes,sir.是的,先生。 F:(laughing)And don't sir me either.Now I'll show you your private office. 笑着说)也不要叫我先生。
Linda:What do you eat for lunch?
Jake:I like fish and beef best for lunch.
Arena:Me,too. And mutton as well.
Jeremy:Sometimes I have to eat some fresh vegetables and fruits as well.
Linda:Yes,you are all right!Drink as much milk as we can,so we can grow taller and taller.Wow!These foods are all nutritious and delicious at the same time.
要有三个人物的, 点餐的对话, 要短点的 (15句左右) Waiter: Hello, welcome. How many seats would you have? Anne: Just 3 of us. Waiter: Yes, please follow me. Anne: Pete, Sue... Let's go. Waiter: Please have a sit. What would you like to have? Anne: Hmm... I want some pasta. What would you recommend? Waiter: We have a new recipe of pasta with mash potatoes and cheese, would you like to have some? Anne: Yes, please give me one with a coffee. What you want to have, Pete? Sue? Waiter: Ok. And? Peter: Sue? Susan: I haven't made up my mind. Please order yours first, Pete. Peter: Just give me a Seafood fried rice with a coffee. Anne: Hmm... I want to have a chicken chop with black pepper sauce and an orange juice. Waiter: Alright. Would you like to have some dessert? We have jelly and pudding which are specially made with our own recipe. Anne: No, thanks. We would like to have our main courses first. Waiter: Sure, thank you. Please wait for a while and your food shall be served shortly. Anne, Peter and Susan: Ok. Thanks. 自己写的,希望你满意。
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