

10月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com



How to be polite

Being polite is very important for every one.There are several suggestions that we can follow.

On the one hand ,we should learn to be kind to others,such as greeting the person who we meets,sharing our best things to our friends and families and following the society rules.On the another hand ,we should form a good habit,which can let us have an awareness of being polite.Last but not least,improving our's quality and class should we attach great importance to.

Do you want to be a polite man?Please hurry up act on it!


Be polite Being polite is a good tradition in our country.Nobody likes a person who is impolite.It 's important for us to be polite.We should be a polite student. As a polite student,we shouldn't talk at class. If we have questions,we should put up our hands.We also shouldn't speak loudly during the break. And I think it's impolite to be late for class.When someone is in trouble ,we shouldn't laugh at them.We should often say “please”,”thank you”. If everyone is polite to others,the world will be more and more beautiful.


一位母亲正骑自行车带着年幼的女儿迎面而来。孩子一不小心,手中的饼干掉在地上。母亲马上停下车,轻声对女儿说:“来,咱们把它扔到垃圾桶里去。”说着便把孩子抱下来,俩人弯腰一起去捡地上的碎饼干。就是这一普通的一幕,不由让人想起一句话:素质,是一种习惯。仔细想想,不是吗?无论这位母亲,还是将来的孩子文明素质如何,在这一细节中已有了答案。 文明礼仪是我们学习、生活的根基,是我们健康成长的臂膀。没有了文明,就没有了基本的道德底线,那我们纵然拥有了高深的科学文化知识,对人对已对社会又有何用?千学万学学做真人,说的就是学习应先学做人, 学做文明人,学做社会人, 清洁环境,文明校园,从我做起,从每一件小事做起,让文明礼仪之花在校园处处盛开。


A mother is riding a bike with a young daughter. Child accidentally, in the hands of biscuits out on the ground. Mother immediately stopped, whispered to her daughter said, "come, let's throw it into the trash can." Said the baby down, they bent down to go to pick up the ground crumbled cookies. Is this a common scene, can let a person remember a word: quality, is a kind of habit. Think about it, isn't it? Regardless of the mother, or child how civilized quality in the future, already had the answer in this detail. Civilization etiquette is the foundation of our study and life, is the healthy growth of our arms. No civilization, there is no basic moral bottom line, that if we have the advanced scientific and cultural knowledge, and good for people to have in society? Qian Wan Xuexue do reality, say is learning should learn to be a person, do civilized people learn, learn to do social people, clean environment, civilized campus, starts from me, start from every little thing, let the flower of civilization etiquette on campus in full bloom everywhere.



孔融让梨”—— 一个大家再也熟悉不过的故事。四岁的孔融之所以使大家敬佩,正是因为他懂得谦让,懂得生活中的点点滴滴,懂得使别人快乐,懂得别人的快乐就是自己最大的幸福。他虽然还是一个四岁的孩子,但是他的那种精神足以让人敬佩一生。比那些满腹经-文,却只懂得说,不会做的大人要强上百倍。这件小事之所以会被后人所传颂赞扬,就是因为四岁的孔融做到了道德礼仪。如果一个文化程度很高,但不懂得礼仪的人,那他也是一个对社会毫无用处的人。因为道德常常能填补智慧的缺陷,而智慧却永远也填补不了道德的缺陷。一个有修养的人,不会自夸自大,相反一个无修养、无道德的人,将会到处炫耀自己的功勋。就像宣永光所说的那样“无道德,是狗材。无知识无道德,是弃材。

既无知识又无道德反自以为有知识有道德,是杀材。”" Kong Rong lets pear" -- an all too familiar story. At the age of four, Kong Rong is make people admire, it is because he know humility, understands the life, know how to make people happy, know the happiness of others is the greatest happiness of their own. Although he was a child of four years old, but his spirit to let person admire life. Than those with full by - the text, but only know how to say, not do one hundred times. This matter will be future generations praise praise, because at the age of four, Kong Rong did morality and etiquette. If a literacy rate is very high, but do not understand etiquette, he is also a socially useless person. Because moral can often fill the defect of wisdom, but the wisdom but could not fill the moral defects. A man of culture, not boasting, in contrast to a no training, no moral person, will be around to show off his feats. Just as Xuan Yongguang said" no moral, is a dog. No knowledge without morals, is the abandoned materials. Neither knowledge nor moral knowledge moral anti thinks, is killed." 文明礼仪,不是一朝一夕能做好的事情。

身为一名中学生,我们已经不在是一个孩子了,懂得的事情、道理也不断多了,甚至已超过了一些大人。当然,我们就更应该懂法律、爱祖国、尊师长、礼待人。所以,生活处处有礼仪。我们不仅要在一方面做到文明礼仪,更要在多方面做到文明礼仪。在校园,在家中,在各种公共场所,都不要忘记礼仪。文明礼仪不是靠一个人遵守的,它靠的是我们大家,一个集体,只要人人都遵守礼仪,讲道德,那么世界才会变得更加和-谐美好。The civilized etiquette, not a short duration of time to do things. As a middle school student, we are not in a child, know, truth is also increasing, and even has exceeded the number of adults. Of course, we should know the law, love the motherland, respect for teachers, polite to people. So, life is full of etiquette. We should not only in one hand to do the civilized etiquette, but also in many aspects of civilized etiquette. In school, at home, in public places, do not forget etiquette. The civilized etiquette does not depend on one person compliance, it is that we rely on you, a collective, as long as everyone abide by the etiquette, moral, then the world will become more beautiful and harmonious.


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