

04月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于餐桌礼仪的几个英语句子]活动总是精彩和难忘的,但那些在活动中运用的单词和句型呢? 特别奉献上周四餐桌礼仪课程中相关的英语,请多多支持哦。 餐桌礼仪:table manners 购物清单:shopping list 单词:烤箱 o...+阅读


场景: 家庭晚餐

人物: 父母(Peter 和 Mary)、儿子(Tom)

Peter: Alright, let's start dinner. Tom, could you please wait for everyone to be seated before you start eating?

Tom: Sure, Dad. I remember the rule.

Mary: Thank you, dear. And remember to put your napkin on your lap.

Tom: Of course, Mom. Like this?

Mary: Yes, perfect. And don't forget to say grace before we begin.

Peter: That's right. Let's all hold hands and say grace together.

(They say grace together)

Peter: Now, let's observe good table manners. Remember to chew with your mouth closed and not to talk with food in your mouth.

Tom: Got it, Dad.

Mary: And please pass dishes to the right if someone asks for them.

Peter: Exactly. And if you need something, ask politely. Don't reach across the table.

Tom: Understood, Mom.

Peter: Lastly, when you're finished, place your utensils together at an angle on your plate to indicate you're done.

Tom: Okay, Dad. I'll remember all the rules.


场景: 餐厅内

人物: 一家人(John、Lisa、Emily)、服务员(Sarah)

John: Good evening. We'd like a table for four, please.

Sarah: Of course, sir. Right this way, please.

(They are seated at the table)

Sarah: Here are your menus. Can I get you something to drink?

John: Yes, we'll have four glasses of water to start, please.

Sarah: Certainly. And do you need more time to look at the menu?

Lisa: No, we're ready to order. I'll have the grilled salmon, please.

Sarah: How would you like that cooked?

Lisa: Medium, please.

Sarah: And for you, sir?

John: I'll have the steak, medium rare.

Sarah: Very well. And for the kids?

Emily: I'll have the spaghetti and meatballs, please.

Sarah: And for you, young man?

Tom: I'll have the chicken tenders, please.

Sarah: Excellent choices. Your drinks will be right out, and I'll get your orders in right away.

(They enjoy their meal and finish)

Sarah: Are we all finished here?

John: Yes, thank you. Could we get the check, please?

Sarah: Of course. Here you go. Have a wonderful evening!



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