

12月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[《革命人永远是年轻》串词朗诵词解说词歌词]《革命人永远是年轻》串词朗诵词解说词歌词 1 革命人永远是年轻,它好比大松树冬夏常青,它不怕风吹雨打,它不怕天寒地冻。欢迎鹤壁市10人组合为大家献上《革命人永远是年轻》 《...+阅读

尊敬的各位专家、领导:上(下)午好!首先我对各位的到来致以最诚挚的欢迎!各位在来德州之前,想必已经对德州扒鸡早有耳闻了吧?接下来,由我带领大家一起来探寻德州扒鸡的历史渊源。德州扒鸡文博馆始建于2007年8月,总面积近3000平方米,共分为四个展厅:历史篇、发展篇、成就篇和德宝馆。 第一展厅 我们现在看到的是第一展厅,是以人物雕像、彩绘壁画以及老照片的形式展示了德州历史的风土人情及美食文化,其主题为历史篇。 首先,正中央的人物雕塑群再现了1956年公私合营,成立德州扒鸡食品公司的情形。当时同义合扒鸡联营社、德州火车站扒鸡小卖所和肉食经营商会的56位扒鸡传人,一并加入了国营食品公司,并在这里建立了扒鸡加工厂,从而开始了扒鸡生产经营的新纪元。前面的这两位塑像就是为张树林和崔长清两位师傅量身打造的(他们时任扒鸡联营社经理、副经理)。 右手边的人物仿铜塑像是在德州这片沃土上孕育出来的名人雅士,分别是弯弓射日的英雄后羿;他是夏代时期的德州人,这位带有传奇色彩的部族首领,代表着整个中华民族的力量和勇气。 这位是汉代文学家东方朔,或许大家最熟悉的还是他与卓文君那段传颂千古的“凤求凰”的浪漫故事,其实他在词赋辩论方面也有很高的造诣。唐代大书法家颜真卿所书的东方朔画赞碑现存于德州陵县文博苑内。 他就是一代儒学大师董仲舒,西汉时期广川人,众所周知,他的“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”的思想,对两千余年封建社会以儒学为正统产生了极为深远的影响。 这位是为官清廉治学严谨的康熙启蒙老师田雯,清顺治十八年考中进士,曾任江南学政、江宁巡抚、刑部右侍郎、户部左侍郎等官职。德州吕家街人。此人为官非常富有开拓精神,深受康熙皇帝的赏识,他在文学上的成就也很高,被誉为康熙朝的一代文宗。 右侧墙上的老照片为德州的历史遗迹。这张为永庆寺藏经楼,旧址为现今德州一中的位置,原为古佛寺,始建于唐贞观年间,殿宇巍峨,堪称巨刹,佛殿前有清乾隆皇帝御书的汉满蒙藏四种文字的四面碑,1928年,该寺遭到破坏。 这张是董子读书台,相传明代正统年间,知州韦景元修学宫,掘地得石碑,文载:董子读书台,知为当年董子读书故址,因而重新修建。明万历年间,移建于德州西门外,《山东通志》称其为繁露台,建筑规模更加宏伟壮丽,成为德州名胜转载自百分网: .9xwang.,请保留此标记古迹之一,董子台这座建筑物解放前还大致完好,解放后被拆除。目前,我市正在经济开发区重建这座建筑物。 这张是苏禄东王墓的旧照,明永乐年间,苏禄国(现属菲律宾)东王访问京城,回国途中病逝德州,永乐帝为他在德州城北修建了陵墓,还留下王妃和王子守墓,至今陵墓碑碣保存完整,子孙繁衍,聚居为一个自然村—北营,成为中菲友好史上的一段佳话,

(一九八七年,由王心刚主演的电影《苏禄国王与中国皇帝》,记录了这段历史)这座陵墓从公元1417年起到今天已经有591的历史了。 这张照片是双高碑,自清代康熙和光绪年间,先后在德州城北第三屯一带,发现我国北魏高氏墓碑墓志四件,其中,高植高湛的墓志已经遗失,高贞高庆的墓碑虽然残破,总算幸存下来,现保存在山东省博物馆。这两幢1400年的古代碑志,无论其历史文物价值或书法艺术价值来讲,都堪称我国金石史上的瑰宝。 周围的彩色壁画是我国著名画家马海方先生特意为我们集团创作的德州扒鸡史话(这是仿制品,真品由文博馆收藏)。 这是古德州城的地图,一张是乾隆53年版,一张是民-国二十四年版。因为京杭运河的缘故,古德州城呈靴子状,面积很小,对比1935年的地图可以看到,南门到现在的东方红路,北门到青年路,东门到新湖北街,西门到迎宾路,是现在德州城的三十分之一。 这幅巨大的彩色油画是根据《德县志》记载纪录了康熙南巡时,他的老师户部侍郎田雯侍驾的历史佳话。 这张老照片记录了1964年京杭大运河德州段帆樯如林、船只如梭的繁荣景象。并且在运河两岸孕育出著名的德州三宝:德州扒鸡、德州西瓜和金丝小枣。 左侧的人物仿铜塑像为德州扒鸡传统艺人的代表,依次是德州扒鸡的创始者贾健才,贾老先生;乾隆年间进宫专侍帝后百官的扒鸡制作高手王宣;放弃烧鸡专攻扒鸡的开明人士韩士功;以及名噪一时的宝兰斋老掌柜候宝庆。 左侧墙上的老照片均由原市文博馆馆长安治栋提供,是德州市解放初期老街道、火车站的资料照片。 来到二楼,首先看到的是这个可爱的鸡宝宝,她是我们集团公司的吉祥物,感兴趣的朋友可以和它合个影。 二楼是德州扒鸡生产流水线的参观走廊,我们从这里可以直接看到德州扒鸡从活鸡宰杀、洗理造型、油炸焖煮、真空包装等整个加工过程。让人们感到“继承传统,管理先进,看着满意,吃着放心”。 Distinguished experts, leaders (below): Kenh Good! First of all, I extend my most sincere wele to you for ing! Before you e to Texas, presumably of Texas braised chicken already heard it? Next, I Lead everyone will work together to explore the historical origins of the Texas braised chicken. Texas braised chicken Museology Museum was founded in August 2007, a total area of nearly 3,000 square meters, is divided into four exhibition halls: historical papers, development articles achievement articles and Double Museum. First exhibition We are seeing now is the first exhibition in the figure statue, painted murals, and the form of the old photos show Texas history, customs and food culture, with its theme of historical articles. First, the center of the figure sculpture reproduction 1956 public-private partnerships, the establishment of the case of Texas braised chicken food. Synonymous co-braised chicken Associated Press, Dezhou Railway braised chicken sold the meat business Chamber of merce 56 braised chicken descendant, incorporating the state-owned food pany, and established the braised chicken processing plant, which began Pa chicken production and operation of a new era. Previous two statues is Shulin,, and Cui Changqing two master tailor (when he braised chicken associate munity manager, assistant manager). Aston celebrity imitation copper statue of the right-hand side of the figure is conceived on this fertile land in Texas, the the bow shoot day hero Hou Yi; Texans during the Xia Dynasty, the legendary tribal leaders, representatives forward the strength and courage of the entire Chinese nation. The Han Dynasty writer Dongfang Shuo, perhaps the most familiar or his lips and Zhuo Wenjun During that through the ages "The Courtship of romance, in fact, his high attainments in Cifu debate. Tang Dynasty calligrapher book of Dongfang Shuo draw praise monument existing in Texas Lingxian Museology Court. He is the generation of Confucianism Masters Dong Zhongshu, the Western Han Dynasty Hirokawa people, we all know, the idea of his deposed 100, Only Confucianism "of two thousand years of feudal society Confucian orthodoxy produce a far-reaching impact. Kangxi first teacher who is honest and upright official rigorous scholarship Tian Wen Qing Junji 18 years of prehensive examinations Scholars, former Jiangnan school governance, Jiangning governor, Gyobu Shilang left the Ministry of assistant minister and other official. Texas Liujiabang Street. Official very rich pioneering spirit of this people, by the appreciation of the Kangxi Emperor, his achievements in literature, is also high, known as the Kangxi Reign generation Wenzong. The right side wall of the old historical photos for Texas. This the Tripitaka House Yongqing Temple, for today's Texas, one in the position of the former site of the original ancient Buddhist temples, was built in the Tang Dynasty, towering temples, called giant brake, the front of the Qianlong Emperor in Yushu permitted Chinese and Manchu Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs in four languages surrounded the monument, in 1928, the monastery was destroyed. This is the Dong Son reading, according to legend the Ming Dynasty orthodox years, know the state of Wei Jing-yuan repair Xue Gong, dig a monument, and contained: Dong Son reading, known as the Dong Son reading displace, thus re-built. Ming Dynasty moved built in Texas outside the West, "Shandong Annals called Fan Terrace, the magnificent building size bee Texas attractions reproduced from the percentage of : .9xwang., please retain this tag monuments, one of the Board sub-station building liberation substantially intact, were removed after the liberation. Currently, the city Economic Development Zone, reconstruction of the building. This is an old photo of the Sulu East King Tomb of Ming Yongle, Sulu (now in the case of the Philippines) East access to capital, on his way home, died in Texas, the Yongle Emperor built a mausoleum for him in Texas, north of the city, also left the princess and prince keep tomb has a tomb stele preserved intact, descendants multiply, inhabited villages - North Camp, Philippine friendship history section of stories (1987, starring in the film by Wang Xingang "Sulu King and Emperor of China", record this period of history) mausoleum from 1417 AD to 591 history. This photo is a two-high monument, worked in Tuen third of Texas north of the city along the Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Guangxu years and found that four of North Weigao Shi tombstone epitaphs, which the high planting high Cham epitaph has been lost, Gao Zhen Gao Qing tombstone dilapidated, finally survived, now preserved in the Museum of Shandong Province. 1400 two ancient epitaphs, whether in terms of its historical heritage value or the value of the art of calligraphy, called the treasure of the history of our stone. The surrounding color mural is a famous painter Mr. Ma Haifang authored specifically for our group Texas braised chicken Types (This is the imitation, genuine Museology Museum collection). Thisthe Goode chow map, a Qianlong 53 years edition, one people - twenty-four years,. Because the sake of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Goode chow was boots like a very small area can see the contrast map in 1935, the South Gate to the East is Red Road, north gate to the Youth Road, East Gate to New Hubei Street to Simon Yingbin Road, is now Texas City thirtieth. This large color painting is based on a "virtue" record record Kangxi southern tour, his teacher Hubushilang, of Tian Wen paternity driving historical stories. This old photo record of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Texas paragraph sail mast, such as forest in 1964, the vessel flies prosperity. And in the canal bred the the famous Sambo Texas: Texas braised Texas watermelon and Jinsixiaozao. The left side of the figure imitation bronze statue on behalf of the Texas braised chicken traditional artists, in turn, the founders of the Texas braised Jia Jian Cai, Mr. Jia Lao; the Qianlong period palace specifically paternity braised chicken producer master king declared Empress Baiguan; give up burning The the enlightened people chicken specializing braised chicken the Han Shigong; well the very famous Baolan vegetarian old dispensers waiting Paoching. The left side of the wall of the old photos by original Wenbo curator An Zhidong, Dezhou the early liberation of the old streets, railway station profile photo. To the second floor, the first thing I saw this cute baby chickens, she is the mascot of our group of panies, interested friends and together a video. The second floor is Texas braised chicken production lines visit corridor, Texas braised chicken from live chickens slaughtered wash reasonable shape, fried and simmer, vacuum packaging, the entire process can be seen directly from here. Make people feel "inheriting tradition, advanced management, looking satisfied eating assured.


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