

01月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[个人英文求职信个人的介绍的常用语]给大家介绍一些关于我们介绍的英文求职信常用语句。 1. I he been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting pany. 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。 2....+阅读


Dear Shuze Ma

Im turning 11 and theres a birthday party in my place on 27th of March.

I hope you can e.

Looking forward to see you there.


Chun Meng


Dear Tom,

I he not seen you for a long time.Is everyting going well with you ? The day after tomorrow is my birthday , I wonder if you can e to my birthday party .The party begins at 6 in the afternoon. I hope that you can e .Then we can enjoy a happy time together.I am looking forward to seeing you .

Sincerely yours,


Dear ,

Hi, my dear (人名), wele to attend my birthday party in this Sunday. I will not disappoint you. Here will e many friends of you and mine, with many delicious food, tasted drinks.

In that day, I will hold dance party, you can free yourself at most degree. You should never pass an unfettable night. I expect your wele on Sunday.



Birthday Plan

Time: Monday,April 1 at 7:30p.m.

Address: Yelin square,Hainan nomal university

Theme:We are twenty!

Refreshments: small cakes,juice,sandwichs,sausages,apples,chips Games: Who is the undercover? , song-link, Truth Or Dare Activities: performances-----singing,dancing,telling jokes Supply list:

Decoration: balloons 11yuan/bag x2

birthday hat 5yuan x1

colored ribbons 2yuan x5

candles 1yuan x20

Invitation cards: 1yuan x42

Refreshments: small cakes 5yuan x42

Juice 5yuan x42

Sandwiches 7yuan x42

Sausages 2yuan x42

Apples 3yuan x42

Chips 10yuan/bag x10

Total:1123 yuan



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