

03月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[保研夏令营专家的推荐信]以下是保研夏令营专家的推荐信,有需要的教师们可以参考一下! 保研夏令营专家的推荐信(1) 作为**大学**学院一名教授,本人很高兴推荐**同学参加贵所的学术夏令营及之后的推免生...+阅读


Dear Sir/Madame,

Im privileged to write in support of Miss. Lin Zhang. Miss. Lin Zhang had been working in CASIO (SHANGHAI) from March 2005 to September 2008, during which time I witnessed her tremendous growth and development.

At the beginning, Miss. Lin Zhang was hired as a member of Electronic Dictionary Department, a newly-built department in CASIO (SHANGHAI), because of her excellent education background and language skills which were essential for our specific products. Facing the totally new work, Miss. Lin Zhang impressed me first was her learning ability. Her duty was to improve the sales channels in Shanghai and to establish good cooperating with famous language training school and the foreign language colleges. She was active and full of curiosity in every discussing meeting. She was a good planner as well. Most tasks taken charge by her were going smoothly and effectively.

Besides such necessary character as sense of responsibility, integrity and sense of team-working, it was creative spirit and independent thinking that made Miss. Lin Zhang different. Whenever meeting with any challenge in work, she always had a deep belief in finding a new and better way to solve the problem. We really encountered a variety of difficulties at the beginning of the project, especially in locating our core customers since the market of China was so different from that of Japan. Miss. Lin Zhang collected useful information of our customers thoughts by visiting teachers and students at school and paying attention to language learning websites, which influenced the marketing media work in a positive way and set a good sample for other colleagues.

After 2 years of hard work, Miss. Lin Zhang was promoted to Chief in marketing section. She efficiently contributed to push the marketing items such as media releasing, new product launching, official website renewing. Moreover, she was in charge of the new potential customer survey and new model products analyzing. During February 2008, she went on a business trip to our Tokyo Office and learned more about the general marketing information.

Miss. Lin Zhang is no doubt an excellent employee. As a young lady, it seemed to me that she enjoyed and desired some change in her life. Her decision to quit one year ago was quite unexpected to me. However, personally I respected her decision. Now I am glad to know that she was planning to pursue her study in Singapore. As I know, she liked Singapore since she had a wonderful trel experience there in 2007. I hope her application can he your consideration.

Sincerely Yours,

Vice President in CASIO (SHANGHAI)


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Dear Sir or Madam:

As Principal of Gee Mason High School I am delighted to remend to you a stellar member of our teaching staff, Mr. Samuel Cohen, and to write this letter on his behalf. Sam has taught American Historyat the school for three years. He is one of our most popular and effective instructors and has already wonseveral teaching awards.

He came to us directly upon pletion of his bachelors degree, but immediately settled in as if an old pro.

Sam is a master of all of the ingredients of successful teaching, especially the ability to inspire.

This gentleman is highly professional in both dress and demeanor. To my knowledge Sam has never eto work without both a suit and tie, more times than not a bow tie. The majority of others at the school,both teachers and students, dress differently and lean to more informality. Never once, however, has Samsmanner of dress elicited the slightest ment. Why? It is simply because Sams attire seems entirely naturalgiven his dignified portment.

That portment in turn is driven by Sams love and respect for American History. Sam views himself asthe messenger for something serious and important, and this is reflected in the way he teaches and in theway his students respond.

Reaction to Sams classes has been overwhelmingly positive. So much so that more than once it has beenreported to me that study hall students he been spotted lingering outside the door to Sams classroomlistening to his lessons.

Sams impact has even been felt outside the school with the parents themselves. His section on theimportance of voting has inspired students to cajole their parents to register to vote. Several he mentionedthis to me at parent-teacher meetings. One even called the school to he me pass on their thanks to Mr. Cohen.

The only thing that we in the school administration he ever worried about in regard to Sam is the prospectof funding his bottled water. Sam is such a passionate and prolific speaker that he needs a steady supply tomaintain his voice. So far we he gotten a pass on this, as students he bought it for him, including whatmust he been a years supply on his last birthday.It will be a sad day when we announce that Sam will be pursuing his graduate degree on a fulltime basis.

We can only hope that he keeps his promise and returns to us as soon as the ink is dry on his new diploma.Sincerely,

Harold W. Brown


Gee Mason High School



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