

05月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小学生感谢信大全]小学生感谢信范文【1】 尊敬的**同学学生家长: 见信好! 您的孩子,**,四年级上半学期的数学学习积极性较高,和以往二、三年级相比,有非常大的进步。 特别是在学习《角的度量》这一...+阅读



Dear mother:

Maybe you would confused for my writing letter to you.Think back to the past twenty years,I suddenly find that I hardly he said to you Thank you.I know you dont need my thanks,and you dont want any return as all mothers in the world,but today I still want to tell you:Mum,thank you!

You ge life to me.It was you who bear pain and danger ge birth to me.And from then on,you took it all you he dedicated to me.Your time,your work,your dream,it seems like they are not so important for you as before.

I believe that I he been the most precious thing for you at the moment I born.Even if sometimes you get angry because me.However in a very very long time,I took it for granted that what you he done for me.

Time flied,I he been a university student now.The situation at the entrance exam also like yesterday,I still remember your and my fathers eyes filled with concern.Twenty years,you sacrificed so much for me.I he grown up,and its the turn for me to take care of you. Mum,thanks and I love you!




Dear mother,

Its Thanksgiving Day,My thoughts he been turning to those who did so mch for me in the past but I he never fully appreciated.Naturally,you are the first to e to mind.The memories of your reasssuring smiles and supportive hugs are still alive in my mind.Your wise and helpful words seemly resonate in my ears.How could I he grown up without your help?

How sad is it to be unable to speak these words in your presence! However,I hope you can feel my deep appreciation. I want you to know how proud and grateful I am as your daughter.

Your loving daughter,



Dear Mom,

Thank you for everything you he ever given me,both materially and spiritually!

You truly are an amazing woman and I do not tell you enough how much I love you and how much you he shaped my life.Without you I would not be the person I am today!I would not he the drive or determination to go after my goals and ambitions in life.

You he given me a great example of how a woman can surpass all expectations and fully succeed in all aspects of life.Not only are you a wonderful mother,but also a very successful business owner,and published writer.

I look up to you in every way,as a mother,a business woman in a male dominated world,and as a dream fulfiller in your published work.With you as my example I know that I can achieve all that I want to achieve in life.

You give me hope that all my dreams can be fulfilled!I know I do not ever say this or even act like I think this,but your life truly blows me away.I think you are an amazing person both inside and out and even though we often do not get along I know that I always he a superb woman in my life to look up to.I hope that one day in the future I can be half the woman you are.

Thank you!

With love,

Your little girl


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