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[英文推荐信开头称呼]下面为大家带来推荐信的开头称呼怎么写。 1、Dear Professor,To Whom It May Concern (通用表达方式) 这两种称谓使用起来非常得心应手,而且应用的推荐人人群比较广泛。 一般...+阅读


Dear Colleagues:

MS.XXX requesteda letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studiesat your university.

As her research adviser when she was a graduate student inmy school of science Beijing University of Chemical Technology, I am pleased toply with her request.

I he known Ms.Zhang since 2003, when she was admitted as a Master of Science candidate intothe school.

As her research adviser, I directed her research and found her apromising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity.

During her firstyear, she got a very good record in major courses and earned good scores majorand general GPA 3.3.

She particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies suchas Quantum Chemistry and Theory of Electrochemistry.

During thefollowing two years, Ms.Zhang worked on a putational theory study ofinanic functional materials project for his degree thesis Theoretical Studyof Electronic Structures of Several Representative Metal Element in theHydrotalcite Slabs.

To make the theory model meet the actual materials, shefaced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module ofinanic materials, and calculation techniques.

Working hard andindependently, she cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesisthat was characterized by academic excellence.

During her M.S.period, she hadthree papers published in international journals.

Judging by heroutstanding performance while she studied with me, I am convinced that Ms.

Zhang has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basisof which she can undertake world-class training.

I therefore lend her myenthusiastic support and would appreciate your forable consideration of herapplication.

From: x x x x


University ofScience and Technology

Hefei, Anhui230026, P.R.China


Dear Sir or x xx:

I take greatpleasure in remending Ren Ren, one of my forite students, for admissioninto your distinguished graduate program.

Mr.Ren wasadmitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SPECIAL CLASS for the GIFTEDYOUTHS, my universitys unique program that caters to the intellectual needs ofunusually talented Chinese youngsters.

It was a rare privilege he earned withhis nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementaryand secondary school.

He impressed mealmost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of Chinas scientificand technological talents.

At the time, members of the Gifted Class all had tospend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and thentake an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability.

Mr.Renscored the highest grade in that exam.

He also exhibited a keenly whetted mindduring class discussions.

To my regret at the time, his English was not as goodas his mathematics or physics.

But I noticed he made a point of workingespecially hard in improving his English during his five undergraduate yearswith us.

By now, he seems to be at least as proficient in English as most ofhis former classmates in the Gifted Class.

In my experiencewith Mr.Ren, I was impressed with not only his extraordinary intelligence butalso his ambitions and persistence.

I am sure that Mr.Ren will be anoutstanding student in any doctoral program that he may care to enroll in.

So Iwould like to support him firmly in his quest remendation into account whenconsidering his application.

I would greatly appreciate it you decide to accepthim as he wishes.

Yours sincerely

x x x x

Professor andDeputy Head


To whom it mayConcern,

I am writing thisletter to attest to Pauls skills in language and public relations.

In the fouryears I he known him, I he been consistently impressed with his ability notonly to negotiate plex ideas in other languages, but also to relate thesethings in a personable, conscientious fashion.

His manner in these cases isboth professional and personal, two qualities which I find particularlyvaluable in a professional setting.

He has personally helped me in professionalnegotiation for everything from train tickets to contract information, and Ihe always been able to count on him.

I first met Paulin school, where he was a student at the university at which I taught.

He waswell-known to most of the westerners in town, who could call from differentuniversities to ask for his help.

Sometimes this help involved translation ofprofessional documents, and sometimes it involved personal help in making phonecalls.

Many of these westerners continue to call him today, even though theylive quite far away from him, because they he e to trust him very much.

From this foundation in public relations Paul has found positions in various professionalcapacities and has been highly-valued in each place.

He is generally the sortof employee a pany finds most valuable in its dealings with both foreign anddomestic clients.

He puts people at their ease with his language ability andmanner, both of which municate to people that they can relax and simplymunicate.

I would highlyremend Paul as an employee.

His experience and manner are rare and veryvaluable.

Robert Moore



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