

08月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文推荐信开头称呼]下面为大家带来推荐信的开头称呼怎么写。 1、Dear Professor,To Whom It May Concern (通用表达方式) 这两种称谓使用起来非常得心应手,而且应用的推荐人人群比较广泛。 一般...+阅读


ar Ms. / Mr.:

Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule to put themselves forward more of my material.

I am a financial department of Nanjing Audit University, a 00 graduates.

In order to bee a petition of contemporary social needs of personnel, four-year universities in the learning process, I hard work, academic excellence, scholarships he been awarded and has a one-time English through national CET (CET-6) and Jiangsu Province puter three-tier (VFP5.0) examination.

Learning, I also actively participated in various social activities, as student leaders, and made a number of outstanding achievements. Four years of social work practice, let me out of one day living in an ivory tower image of the traditional college students, not only exercise my ability to anize and coordinate, but also made me understand that you want to do a job first of all must love the job . In addition, I also actively participated in physical exercise, and I he created the capacity to bear any responsibility physique.

I love my profession, and I will be doing the job of a city filled with warm and dry out the determination of a cause. All you need to pay a little confidence, I will return you unlimited!

Look forward to working with your interviews!




President of Tongji University Jan. 28,2009Dear Sir or Madam,I am a girl of seventeen. What Id like to say first of all is that I he beenlonging to be admitted into Tongji University since my childhood, for it is the bestuniversity in which one can study architecture.Ive been interested in science and engineering, especially architecture since Iwas about five. I began learning painting at ten, and Ive visited many beautifulcities including Beijing and Qingdao to see the typical ancient or western buildings.As one of the fans of Bei Yuming (贝聿铭) , I appreciate his famous designs andvisited his latest works, Suzhou Museum.

My ambition is to bee an architectlike him. To realize my dream, I study hard and all my examination records areamong the best. Ive got some prizes in my hobbies, watercolor painting andswimming, and as an athlete, Im healthy enough to face the toughest task in theuniversity.

Surely I am among the best candidates,and I hope you will be so kind as toconsider my application. Thanks, Yours trulyHuang Lei(192 words)

when youre young,everything feels like the end of the world. its not. its just the beginning. you might he to meet a few more jerks. but one day you are going to meet a boy who treats you the way that you deserve to be treated, like the sun rises and sets with you.


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