

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[物流场地的管理制度是什么要详细点]物流仓库采用的是6S管理制度, 6S管理:整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养、安全 一、整理: 将工作场所任何东西区分为有必要的与不必要的 把必要的东西与不必要的东西明确地、严格地...+阅读

Because of diffrent traditions and cultures,there are many diffrences between Chinese education and British education. Firstly,the Chinese education is "nine year compulsory education".Most of schools are public schools.And the tutions come from the government.And the British education is also compulsory education.But the school system is two-track system which included the public school and the private school.And the tutions are free in the public school while those come from the students' parents in the private school. Secondly,the Chinese schools only have some subjects,such as Chinese,maths,English,history,physics and so on.The Chinese students must study these subjects every day.And they must work hard that they hardly have spare time.But in Britain,the students have chances to choose an elective cource to expand their knowledge and visions.And they have much more spare time to play than Chinese students. Finally, the Chinese educational system is very simple.Most of students have to pass the college entrance examination.And then they can go to college to study a major.But in Britain, the students have many choices to study.There are many technology schools.Every body can enter without certisfication and limeted age. Although there are many differences between the Chinese educantion and the British education,they have some adventages and disadventages in some aspects.


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