

01月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[公司设备维护管理制度]转载以下资料供参考 公司设备管理制度 (一) 总则 第一条 为加强本公司内部生产、运输、吊装、办公设备的管理,正确、安全地使用和维护设备,特制定本制度。 第二条 设备使用、维...+阅读

Students junior library management system 1. Library card I use only, not the registered person. 2. NIOERAR implemented凭学生证, Open-shelf library card to borrow, students may take four each, including literary fiction book can only take两面三刀this. 3. To accelerate the turnover of books, library period of a month, finds it necessary to be scheduled for restitution should renew procedures. 4. Also expired were not extended by a day fine 0.05 yuan. 5. Reading Room in newspapers, magazines tool with limited indoor reading (magazine tool encumbered student card reader) can bring out private outdoor 6. Love of books is everyone's responsibility, should not be books, magazines, newspapers Andean destroyed, defaced Angular Wagon line, according to the seriousness of their cases if violations, given fine treatment. 7. NIOERAR lost books. The original book mainly to compensation if the original book compensable difficulties, twice to five times the original price on compensation. 8. Keep indoor clean, quiet, speak loudly prohibited in the indoor, snacking, smoking, lose peel, litter. 9. If found stolen books, such treatment, according to the five to ten times the book fine, and the whole school circulars criticism.


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