

12月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[个人英文求职信个人的介绍的常用语]给大家介绍一些关于我们介绍的英文求职信常用语句。 1. I he been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting pany. 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。 2....+阅读


My name is XX, is the economic law of a TVU graduates.

In school during the strict mentorship lessons and personal efforts, I he a solid foundation of professional knowledge, a systematic grasp of marketing and other related theories; familiar with the work of popular foreign etiquette; with good English listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation and other capabilities; be able to skillfully operate a puter office software. At the same time, my spare time to extensively studied under a large number of books, not only enriched his own, but also develop their own multi-faceted skills. More importantly, the rigorous style of study and correct learning attitude shaped me simple, stable and innovative traits.

In addition, I also actively participate in various social activities, to seize every opportunity to exercise their own. University for four years, I deeply feel, with the best students to work to benefit me in the petition; to challenge the practical difficulties, let me grow up in frustration. Grandparents he taught me hard work, responsibility, kindness, integrity; XXX University, has trained I am being pragmatic, pioneering and enterprising style. I love your anization are engaged in the cause, eagerly look forward to your leadership, the building blocks for this glorious cause; and in practice, learning and progress.

Believe me, and believe your choice is right!




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大学生求职信的五要点大学生求职信要点一:不要饥不择食。 有的沉重临近毕业,找工作心切,于是找一本电话号码簿或企业通讯录,从中随便找一些单位就匆匆发出求职信。这种饥不择食的做法,一是使收到求职...

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怎样设计好求职信在找工作过程中,一封漂亮的求职信就像一位出色的使者,可以在您未和用人单位见面之前,就展现出您的长处,使您能能增加获得面试的机会。为此,您需要精心设计好您的求职信。 投用人...

求职信怎么写?着重把握25个要点1.书写求职信时,使用专用的纸张,上端写有你的姓名、地址、和电话号码。你的简历要使用配套纸张它能显示你的档次和职业风范。 2.定做求职信求职信专门致某个特定的个人。核...

十二条求职信写作建议若想写出一份出色的求职信,你必须牢记以下几点建议: (1)使用专用的纸张,上端写有你的姓名、地址和电话号码。你的简历要使用配套纸张――它能显示你的档次和职业风范。 (2)如果...


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