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[个人英文求职信个人的介绍的常用语]给大家介绍一些关于我们介绍的英文求职信常用语句。 1. I he been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting pany. 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。 2....+阅读

章程规定法定代表人的权限英文1.5.1 法定代表人1.5.1 the legal representative[董事长/执行董事或者总经理]为公司的法定代表人。[] the chairman/executive director or general manager is the legal representative of the pany.1.5.2 法定代表人缺位的替补1.5.2 the absence of the legal representative董事长不能履行职务时,由公司副董事长接任法定代表人职责;副董事长不能履行法定代表人职务时,由总经理接任法定代表人职责;总经理不能履行法定代表人职务时,由董事会指派董事履行法定代表人职责。The chairman is unable to perform his duties, replaced by vice chairman of the legal representative responsibility; Vice chairman is unable to perform the legal representative, the general manager who took over as the legal representative responsibility; Fails to fulfill the legal representative, general manager of duties, shall be appointed by the board director of the legal representative duties.[注释] 也可以以如下备选条款自行设定法定代表人缺位的替补。[note] can also be lack in the following alternative terms set by the legal representative.1.5.2-A 总经理不能履行法定代表人职责时,由董事长履行法定代表人职责;董事长不能履行职务时,由公司副董事长接任法定代表人职责;副董事长不能履行法定代表人职务时,由董事会指派董事履行法定代表人职务。1.5.2 - A fails to fulfill the legal representative, general manager of duties, fulfill their duties of the legal representative by the chairman. The chairman is unable to perform his duties, replaced by vice chairman of the legal representative responsibility; Vice chairman is unable to perform his duties by the legal representative, shall be appointed by the board directors to perform the legal representative position.1.5.2-B 总经理不能履行法定代表人职责时,由董事会指派董事履行法定代表人职务。1.5.2 - B is unable to perform the duties by the legal representative, general manager, appointed by the board directors to perform the legal representative position.1.5.2-C 执行董事不能履行职务时,由监事会主席履行法定代表人职务;监事会主席不能履行法定代表人职务时,由总经理履行法定代表人职务。1.5.2 -c executive director is unable to perform his duties, the chairman of the supervisory board to perform legal representative; Chairman of the supervisory board is unable to perform his duties by the legal representative, by the performance of the legal representative, general manager position.1.5.3 法定代表人的任免1.5.3 appointment and removal of the legal representative法定代表人由公司[董事会/股东会]任命及解除,[董事会/股东会]可以随时解除法定代表人的职务。一切与本条款相反的规定均视为未作订立。The legal representative of the pany and the board of directors/shareholders to appoint and remove, the board of directors/shareholders may terminate the position of the legal representative. All the provisions of the contrary to this clause as not conclude.[注释] 在股份有限公司中,法定代表人由董事会任命及解除,在有限责任公司中,法定代表人在章程中规定由董事会、股东会或者某一特定股东任命及解除。[note] in co., LTD., the legal representative appointed by the board of directors and lifted, in limited liability pany, in the articles of association by the legal representative appointed by the board of directors, the shareholders mittee or a particular shareholder and lifted.1.5.4 法定代表人的变更1.5.4 the change of the legal representative公司法定代表人变更,应当由[董事会秘书]在新法定代表人产生后[30]日内在工商登记机关办理有关的变更登记。Changes, the pany legal representative shall be produced by [board secretary] in the new legal representative within [30] days after the industrial and mercial registration an for the registration of change.法定代表人依据本章程程序产生后,即发生法律效力,在公司内部产生法定代表人变更的法律效果。这里的公司内部包括公司、股东、董事、监事以及高级管理人员等。Pursuant to the articles of association after the produce process, by the legal representative shall he legal effect, within the pany to produce legal effect of the alteration of the legal representative. Here the internal include pany, shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior management personnel, etc.在未完成工商变更登记之前,新任法定代表人对第三人的公示效力,依法律规定。The unfinished business before the registration of change, the new legal representative of a third person, the potency of prescribed by law.1.5.5 法定代表人的辞职1.5.5 the resignation of the legal representative法定代表人的辞呈应经由董事会秘书向其任命机关提交。The resignation of the legal representative should be submitted via the board secretary appointed to its authority.1.5.6 公司与法定代表人诉讼1.5.6 pany and legal representative litigation公司与现任法定代表人发生诉讼,以及与公司发生诉讼的法人,其法定代表人与公司现任法定代表人为同一人时,公司的代表权由[监事会主席]行使。pany with the current legal representative litigation and litigation with the pany legal person, the legal representative of the pany and the current legal representative for the same person, pany representation by [chairman of the supervisory board] exercise.[注释] 如果公司法定代表人是由公司总经理担任时,发生本条款之诉讼时,也可由公司董事长或者执行董事行使公司代表权。[note] if the pany is the legal representative by the pany as general manager, in the case of this clause, can also be performed by the chairman of the board of directors of the pany or director pany representation.【本节条款解读】The terms of this section interpretation 】法定代表人,指依法律或章程规定代表法人行使职权的负责人。公司法定代表人是维护投资者利益,贯彻投资者意志的重要保障,因为法定代表人行使着公司的对外代表权,如果法定代表人不履行忠实义务,往往会给投资者造成较为严重的后果。因此,法定代表人在维护投资者利益方面发挥着至关重要的作用。The legal representative, in accordance with the law or with the articles of association, director of the exercises functions and powers on behalf of the legal person. panys legal representative is to protect investors interests, carry out the important guarantee of investors will, because the legal representative of the exercise of the panys external representation, if the legal representative fails to perform the duty of loyalty, often can cause serious consequences for investors. Therefore, the legal representative in the interest of the investors play a crucial role.

一、 法定代表人是公司的代表人A, legal representative is the panys representative在对外关系上,法定代表人对外以法人名义进行民事活动时,与法人之间并非代理关系,而是代表关系。法定代表人对外的职务行为即为法人行为,其后果由法人承担(《民法通则》第43条)。法定代表人是公司的机关,法定代表人执行公司对外业务中不具有独立的人格,代表公司所为的法律行为是公司自己的行为,自然应由公司承担其后果。On foreign relations, the legal representative of the foreign civil activities in the name of the legal person, and is not the agency relationship between legal person, but on behalf of the relationship. The position of the legal representative of foreign behior is the legal behior, the consequences shall be borne by the legal person ( the general principles of the civil law article 43). The legal representative is the authority of the pany, the legal representative of the pany to perform the foreign business does not he independent personality, on behalf of the pany for the legal act is the panys own behior, nature shall be borne by the pany of the consequences.《法国商事公司法》第113条规定:董事长负责全面领导公司的工作,并对此承担责任,在公司和第三人的关系中,董事长代表公司。除法律明确赋予股东会议的权力以及法律特别留给董事会的权力外,在公司宗旨的范围内,董事长拥有在任何情况下以公司名义进行活动的最广泛的权力。在与第三人的关系中,公司甚至对董事长的不属于公司宗旨范围内的行为负责,只有公司举证证明第三人已经知道,或者根据当时情况不可能不知道,该行为已经超越公司宗旨范围的情况才除外,仅仅公布章程不足以构成此种证据。限制这些权力的章程的规定或者董事会的决定不能对抗第三人。French mercial pany law the 113th regulation: the chairman is responsible for the prehensive leadership pany work, and bear the responsibility, in the panys relationship with the third person, chairman of the board of directors on behalf of the pany. In addition to the law clearly gives the power of the shareholders meeting, and especially to the power of the board of directors, within the scope of the panys purpose, chairman of the board of directors has in any case the most wide powers to conduct activities in the name of the pany. In a relationship with a third person, even to the chairman of the pany does not fall within the scope of pany objective behior, only the pany proof to prove that the third person already know, or according to the situation at that time could not be unaware, this behior is beyond the scope of pany objective situation before, except only published articles arent enough to make such evidence. Limit the power of the provisions of the articles of association or the decision of the board cannot against a third person.

二、 法定代表人是法定的代表人Second, the legal representative is the representative of legal法定代表人的代表职权来自法律或组织章程的规定,是一种规则规定的明确授权,不另需法人的授权委托书。我国《民法通则》第38条规定:依照法律或者法人组织章程规定,代表法人行使职权的负责人,是法人的法定代表人。法定代表人的代表权是基于法律或者组织章程天然形成的,在法人的权利能力和行为能力范围内,法定代表人享有代表法人的绝对自由。也有学者认为,我国公司法上的代表人实际上具有法定和章定的双重属性。由于公司代表人应当登记,只是登记代表人或者注册代表人,不宜在法律上直接称为法定代表人。The representative of the legal representative of the authority from the law or the provisions of the articles of association, is a clear mandate of the rules regulation, no other legal person accredit a power of attorney.Our country general principles of the civil law stipulated in article 38: in accordance with the provisions of the law or the articles of association of the legal entity, on behalf of the legal person exercise their functions and powers, the head of the is the legal representative of the legal person.The representation is based on the law of the legal representative or the articles of association of natural form, within the scope of the rights of legal person and behior ability, enjoyed by the legal representative on behalf of the legal person of absolute freedom.Also the scholar thinks, representative of pany law in our country, actually has the dual nature of the legal and ZhangDing. Due to the pany representative shall register, just the registered representative or registered representative, should not be referred to as the legal representative in the law directly.

三、 法定代表人应是自然人Three, legal representative should be a natural person法定代表人只能是自然人,且该自然人只有代表法人从事民事活动和民事诉讼活动时才具有这种身份。法人是法律上拟制的人,本身不具有自然状态上的行为能力,法人的行为只有通过自然人才能得以体现和实施,自然人代表法人的行为最终由法人承担后果。所以,客观上要求在法人与自然人之间建立一种法律制度,以协调解决二者之间的法律关系,实现法人的意志。法定代表人制度的建立,解决了法人的意志如何通过自然人实施的问题。The legal representative is only a natural person and the natural person is engaged in civil activities on behalf of the legal person and civil litigation activities in order to he this status. Corporation is a legal fiction, itself does not he behior ability on the state of nature, the legal persons behior can be reflected only by natural persons and implementation of a natural person ultimately legal actions by the legal person bear the consequences. So, objectively requires between legal person and natural person to establish a legal system, to coordinate to solve the legal relationship between them, to realize legal persons will. The establishment of the legal representative system, solved the question how the will of a legal person by individual.

四、 我国实行的是单一法定代表人制Fourth, our country is a single system of the legal representative法定代表人是中国特色的法律制度。起源于全民所有制企业的需要,由1986年的《民法通则》所确认,与国外英美法系以及大陆法系的公司法均不一样。我国法定代表人制度的重要特征是唯一性,公司仅能由一个人代表,其行为视同为公司的行为,其他人经过授权后的行为是代理行为。一般认为法人的正职行政负责人为其唯一法定代表人。如公司的董事长、执行董事或经理(《公司法》第13条),而证券交易所的法定代表人为总经理(《证券法》第107条),全民所有制工业企业的法定代表人为厂长或经理等。The legal representative is the legal system with Chinese characteristics. Originated in the needs of the enterprise owned by the whole people, confirmed by general principles of the civil law in 1986, with foreign law of Anglo-American law system and continental law system are different.Legal representative system in our country are the important features of uniqueness, the pany can only by one person on behalf of, its behior as for the panys behior, behior is the proxy behior after others authorized.Generally considered as a legal person at the administrator as its sole legal representative. As the panys chairman, executive director or manager (the pany law article 13), and the stock exchange, general manager of the legal representative of the people (the securities law the 107th), the legal representative of the industrial enterprises owned by the whole people, for the factory director or manager, etc.

五、 法定代表人越权Fifth, unauthorized by the legal representative在法人意欲限制法定代表人的代表权时,应在公司章程中明文作出特别的规定。但是在发生了法定代表人超越组织章程规定的权限时,法人不得以对法定代表人的内部职权限制对抗善意第三人。《合同法》第50条明确规定:法人或者其他组织的法定代表人、负责人超越权限订立的合同,除相对人知道或者应当知道其超越权限的以外,该代表行为有效。这是因为从交易安全角度考虑,法定代表人越权,公司应当承担其交易后果。也就是说,法人对法定代表人代表权的限制并不发生必然的对外效力,即法定代表人的越权行为仍是有效代表行为,除非相对人是恶意的,知道或者应当知道法定代表人超越了代表权限。In legal person intends to limit, the representative of the legal representative of the power should be clear to make special provisions in the panys articles of association. But in the event of the legal representative beyond the authority provided by the articles of association, internal authority limits to the legal representative of a legal person shall not defense against a third person in good faith. Contract law article 50 of the specific provision: the legal representative of the legal person or other anization,the head of beyond the scope of authorization, enter into a contract, in addition to the other party knew or should he known that its beyond the scope of authorization, the representative behior effectively. This is because in terms of transaction security, legal representative, unauthorized trading pany shall undertake its consequences. That is to say, legal restrictions on representation by the legal representative is not necessarily external effect,namely the ultra vires is effective on behalf of the behior of the legal representative, unless the other party is malicious, he knows or should know the legal representative is beyond the limits on behalf of the power.

六、 法定代表人的任命与解除Six, the appointment of legal representative and remove在我国一般公司规定董事长为公司的法定代表人,现行《公司法》允许公司董事长、总经理或者执行董事均可被指定为公司的法定代表人。法定代表人的任免机构一般应当为公司董事会,在有限责任公司,也可由股东会或者某一股东直接任命。由于法定代表人是公司的外在代表人,所以公司章程应当明晰法定代表人的任命和解除机关,并明晰一切相反的规定均视为未作订立。In our country, the general pany rules the chairman is the legal representative of the pany, the pany chairman, general manager of the pany law allows or the executive director may be appointed as the legal representative of the pany. Appointment and removal of the legal representative institutions shall generally be for the board of directors of the pany, in the limited liability pany, also can be appointed by the shareholders mittee or a shareholder. Because of the external representative of the legal representative of the pany is the panys articles of association shall clear the appointment of legal representative and remove ans, and clear all provisions to the contrary are considered to be not conclude .《法国商事公司法》第110条:董事会从其成员中选举一名董事长。董事长应是一个自然人,否则,任命无效。董事会确定董事长的报酬。董事长的任期不得超过其担任董事职务的期限。董事长可连选连任。董事会可随时解除董事长的职务。一切相反的规定均视为未作订立。French mercial pany law the 110th: the board from its members in the election of a chairman. The chairman should be a natural person, otherwise, the appointment is invalid. The board of directors to determine the chairman.The chairmans term shall not exceed the position in which he is a director deadline. Chairman of the board of directors may be re-elected consecutively. The board can be relieved from his position as chairman of the board of directors at any time. All the opposite rules are considered to be not conclude.

七、 法定代表人的卸任Seven, the legal representative of the former一般来说法定代表人的卸任情形有:In general the legal representative of the former situation are:(1) 因任期届满而卸任。一般来说,法定代表人自聘任其的董事会届满而任期届满,部分有限责任公司章程规定法定代表人直接由股东会或者某一特定股东直接任命的除外。(1) stepped down due to the expiration of the term. In general, the legal representative from the expiration of the employment of its board and term expires, part of the limited liability panys articles of association directly by the legal representative appointed by the shareholders mittee or a particular shareholders directly.(2) 因任命机关解聘而卸任。公司章程应明确,法定代表人因任命机关解聘而卸任,防止公司出现不必要的争议或者诉讼。(2) by appointed authorities dismissed. The panys articles of association should be clear, the legal representative appointed authorities dismissed and outgoing, prevent the pany from unnecessary disputes or litigation.(3) 因辞职而卸任。法定代表人的辞呈应经由董事会秘书向其任命机关提交。(3) the outgoing due to resign. The resignation of the legal representative should be submitted via the board secretary appointed to its authority.(4) 因不能履行职责或者死亡而卸任。(4) due to unable to perform his duties or death.

八、 法定代表人的变更Eight, the change of the legal representative公司依据公司章程形成了任命新法定代表人的决议之后,即具有法律效力,新法定代表人取得法定代表人的资格,并产生法定代表人变更的法律效果。对于公司股东、董事、监事、高级管理人员及其他公司职工之间因法定代表人任免产生的内部争议,应以有效的董事会或者股东会任免决议为准。pany on the basis of the panys articles of association formed after the appointment of the new legal representative resolution, which has the force of law, obtains the qualification of a legal representative of the new legal representative, and produce legal effect of the alteration of the legal representative. For shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior management personnel and other pany employees between internal disputes, because of the appointment or dismissal of the legal representative shall be appointed or removed by the board of directors or the shareholders mittee resolution effectively.

九、 法定代表人变更的登记Nine, the legal representative alteration registration《公司法》第13条规定,公司法定代表人变更,应当办理变更登记。对法定代表人变更事项进行登记,其意义在于向社会公示公司意志代表


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