

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[自我应聘书怎么写]自我应聘书范文一 尊敬的先生/小姐: 您好!我从报纸上看到贵公司的招聘信息,我对网页兼职编辑一职很感兴趣。 我现在是出版社的在职编辑,从2013年获得硕士学位后至今,一直在出版...+阅读

I am an English business translation professional, spent eight level, graduated last year. On a job is foreign trade salesman. Today to a company to interview, company is to make family medical supplies, vehicle-mounted inverter, solar series products, and alarm series products. Because the foreign trade salesman demands resident Africa so I didn't vote this position, throwing English translation. Results began to that old total have been telling me business, return ask my business planning and so on. I said I accept appointment is English translation which, he just said, "oh, do translation is not to be familiar with the product, you first to go about our company and products, and then write a scheme to my mailbox wait for my call. I ask, if do translation of words, is mainly doing what, he is very impatient, says the company has many English websites, above some things need to change, I say is mainly do website translation? His giant impatient, didn't want to say a word of appearance, he said first from a website do it.Unknown: Interview is generally not translation first give some materials to do, and then have a written oral such? How this completely not mention English, only talk about business, may this just want to recruit foreign trade clerk! Don't really know the translation work plan how to write ah, please have experience person to give directions, thank you.And feel the boss is don't want to listen, don't want to communicate with others, just want to from already said, but again unfailingly. I hardly ever said complete a long sentence, was immediately he interrupted, indeed dead... The website free and paid his website, the said operation completely different, mean I what all don't understand, speechless, operation does not is same, register, the message you send product pictures look enquiries, what charge is not can your company name product keyword in front, automatic updates la, unlimited number of distributing products, and some other's beneficial way of yao, he would not say they company do pay website, is absolutely different, more not let me speak, and indeed dead... Always very serious to stare at you, you started to speak, he interrupted, also only say a few words, and then you can start said, he gave top you away. Have never met such interview. Indeed dead, what interview!


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