

04月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语商务合同翻译很基本的]我的答复: 1)句子意思是:此协议由A、B双方共同讨论,并共同遵守。 说明: entered into--讨论、研讨。 between A and B, 是在A、B双方之间有法定效力---A、B共同遵守。 2)Whereas...+阅读


给你一份较专业的翻译: Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, duplicate originals, or facsimile or electronically transmitted versions (provided that the facsimile or electronically transmitted versions are confirmed within a reasonable time by signed originals), each of which will be deemed an original, but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument. 协议副本 本协议可以签署生效一份或多份副本,原件复制、传真件或电子传送件(只要在合理时间内附上签署原件确认),每一份文件都可被视为是协议原本,但所有这些将一起被视为是一份相同的文件。 Cumulative Remedies. All rights and remedies under this Agreement are cumulative with all other rights and remedies in this Agreement or in any other agreement between the parties or under applicable law. 累加补充措施 本协议的所有权利及补充措施,将被累加到本协议或双方的其他协议中,或相关法律规定的其他权利及补充措施。

Entire Agreement. This Agreement supersedes all prior discussions and writings and constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. In the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement will be held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such provisions will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this Agreement will otherwise remain in full force and effect. The prevailing party in any action to enforce this Agreement will be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees. No waiver or modification of this Agreement will be binding upon either party unless made in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of such party and no failure or delay in enforcing any right will be deemed a waiver. 完整协议 本协议将取代所有先前的洽谈及文件并构成双方关于本协议标的的一份完整协议。

如果本协议的任何规定被法院或其他合法有效的特别法庭判为违法,无效或无法执行,该规定应该尽可能在不影响本协议有效性的前提下,被限制或废除。以司法行为提出强制执行本协议的胜诉方将获得费用及律师费的补偿。对本协议的弃权或修改,必须通过书面由双方授权的代表签署后方为有效;任何一方对于协议权利的不执行或延迟执行,将不被视为是弃权。 Inspection. Upon no more than five (5) days prior notice to Recipient, DMC or its designee may inspect and review the books and records of Recipient relating to Recipient's compliance with this Agreement and interview any recipient of any Confidential Information under this Agreement. Such inspection will be conducted at DMC's sole expense. If the inspection reveals that Recipient is not in compliance with this Agreement, Recipient will (at its own expense) immediately implement an action plan to correct the non-compliance. 检查 只需提前5天内通知“接受方”,DMC或其委派员将有权检查及审阅与协议规定有关的“接受方”账簿和记录,以及向任何“接受方”人员询问与协议相关的机密信息。

DMC将承担执行检查的一切费用。如果检查发现“接受方”没有按协议履行义务,“接受方”必须即刻自费改正不符合协议的行为。 【英语牛人团】


The duties of your position will be 【你的立场的职责将是】1. cut beef,lamb,pork or weal carcasses or sides quarters of carcasses into primal cuts for further cutting, processing or packaging 【在双方方面福利,进一步切割,加工或包装切块牛肉,羊肉,猪肉,动物或动物尸体。】2. remove bones from meat 【除去肉中骨头】3. manually pack goods into bags and boxes or containers4. clean work areas and equipment5. check products and packaging for basic quality defects Work schedule 【3。手工包装成袋,箱或集装箱货物4。清洁的工作区及设备5。检查产品及包装的基本质陷】 工作时间表1. The EMPLOYEE shall work 40hours per week overtime as per provincial labor standards2. The EMPLOYEE shall receive 50% more than the regular wages for any hours worked over this limit.WAGES AND DEDUCTIONS3. THE EMPLOYER agrees to pay The EMPLOYEE, for his/her work, wages of $** per hour. Wages shall be paid at intervals of 14 days.4. THE EMPLOYER agrees to pay all taxes and submit all deductions payable as prescribed by law( including, but not limited to employment insurance, income tax, Canada Pension plan or Quebec Pension Plan) 【1。

工作的员工须按照省劳动标准,每周加班40小时2。该员工须接受任何超过此限制工作时间50%,比正常工资多。工资和扣除额3。雇主同意支付他/她的工作的雇员,**元每小时的工资。工资分配应当在14天的间隔。4。雇主同意支付所有税费全部减免,并提交按法律规定的税款(包括但不限于就业保险,所得税,加拿大退休金计划或魁北克退休金计划】 WORKPLACE SAFETY INSURANCE (Worker's Compensation) 【职业安全保险(职工的补偿)】 The EMPLOYER agrees to register THE EMPLOYEE under the relevant provincial government insurance plan. THE EMPLOYER agrees not to deduct money from the EMPLOYEE'S wages for this purpose.【雇主同意下注册有关省级政府保险计划的雇员。雇主同意不得扣除为此雇员工资的钱。】 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION Should he wish to terminate this employment, THE EMPLOYEE agrees to give THE EMPLOYER written notice thereof at least 2 weeks in advance.【登记公告 如果他想终止此就业,雇员同意给予雇主的书面通知其中至少提前2周。

】NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT THE EMPLOYER must give written notice before terminating the employment of THE EMPLOYEE if this individual has completed 3 moths of uninterrupted service with THE EMPLOYER. This notice must be provided at least weeks in advance.【公告终止雇佣 在终止之前 发包方必须给予该雇员就业,如果此个别已不间断3次完成与雇主服务书面通知。此通知书必须提供至少提前几个星期】 CONTRACT SUBJECT TO PROVINCIAL LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT LEGISLATION AND APPLICABLE COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS THE EMPLOYER is obliged to abide by the standards set out in the relevant provincial labor standards act and, if applicable. the terms of any collective agreement in place. In particular. THE EMPLOYER must abide by the standards with respect to how wages are paid, how overtime is calculated, meal periods, statutory holidays. annual leave, family leave. Benefits and resource under the terms of the ACT and, if relevant collective agreement Any terms of the contract of employment less favorable to THE EMPLOYEE than the standards stipulated in the relevant labor standards act is null and void 【合同须经省级劳动雇佣法例及适用的集体协议 如果适用如果地方的集体协议的条款,雇主必须遵守下列关于有关省级劳动标准法所规定的标准。

尤其如此。发包方必须遵守的标准,就如何支付工资,加班费如何计算,进餐时间,法定假日。年休假,探亲假。优点,根据该法的条款的资源,并在相关的集体协议中规定比标准劳动合同的任何条款更准确,否则相关劳动标准法规定是无效的】 本人能力有限,有很多专有名词,故借助了部分的在线翻译,经整理而成。谷子解答,希望对你有用处


16.1 各种各样

各个组织 之间的关系。组织的之间的关系独立于承包人。无任何授权或者组织或其雇员来担任另一组织的代理人或者代表。也不希望任何组织雇员,代理人或者的承包人被解释为其它组织雇员,代理人或承包人。如果组织使用与任何上下文不一致的术语,则被认为是未能与组织合作。有时,3M可以向销售员提供关于制造的信息,安全,健康,环境和其它物质,但是销售员运用独立的于这些问题的处理。3M's的条款的或者未能提供任何基于这个协议下的卖方义务。

16.2任务,分包者。销售员不会分配,转移或委派任何人签署这个协议,没有3M's之前草拟同意包含一-分包合同(一“Assignment”)下面的权利,职责,利益或者对的义务为代表。一“任务” 也包含任何转移:(一)至少百分之五十的 买房 资产或者所有权;或者在这个协议下面的条目

( b),部分协议或者那些销售员资产关联的卖方生意或现受雇于卖方工作。没有 3M's之前,草拟同意任何任务的履行失效,是这个协议的结束的原因。没有任何人将会成为第三个这个协议的组织受益人。



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