

11月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[建筑安装工程承包合同范本]发 包 方:_____________________地 址:____________ 邮码____________ 电话____________法定代表人:____________ 职务____________承 包 方:_____________________地 址:_______...+阅读

篇一:Sales agreement销售合同中英文对照版 Sales agreement 销售合同 Agreement, made this ____ day of ____, 2000, between seller pany (hereinafter called “seller”), and hing an office at ____ and ____ buyer of ____(hereinafter cal ___ 公司(以下简称买方)和_____ (以下简称买方)于 __年__月__日订立本合同。 1. MATERIAL商品名称 Seller agrees to sell to buyer, and buyer agrees to purchase from seller, during delivery period hereinafter provided, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated, the following material or materials: 双方同意在本合同规定的交货期限内按本合同的条款规定,由买方向卖方提供下列商品:(略) 2. DURATION期限 The delivery period shall mence on ____ and shall continue until terminated on ____, or on any anniversary thereof, by either party upon at least thirty days’ prior written notice to the other party. As used in this Agreement, “contract year” shall mean a twelve-month period ending on ___ or on any anniversary thereof. 交货日期从____ 起至 ____ 止;或每满一年后由有一方当事人至少提前三十(30)天书面通知另一方当事人所确定的日期为止。

本合同中的“合同年”指到___ 为止或到每年的此时为止的十二个月。 3. SPECIFICATION商品规格 Seller’s standard specification for the material or materials in effect at the time of shipment. 卖方商品装运时的规格标准。

4. QUANTITY商品数量 5. PRICE价格 Subject to increase as provided in paragraph 7 on the reverse side hereof. 可按照本合同背面第七条规定上浮。 6. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS附加条款规定 The additional terms and conditions on the reverse side hereof are part of this agreement as effectively as though they preceded the signatures of the parties. 合同背面的附加条款规定视为本合同不可分割的部分,效率等同当事人签名前所列条款。

(Reverse side) ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS附加条件规定 7. PRICE INCREASE价格浮动 Seller may increase any price hereunder on the first day of any calendar quarter-yearly period by delivering or mailing written notice to Buyer at least 15 days prior to such day. Buyer, however, shall he the right to cancel the undelivered portion of the material to which such increase in price applies by delivering or mailing written notice to Seller prior to the date when such increase is to bee effective.


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