[办公租房合同范本]租办公房的合同如何拟定呢,下面小编为大家介绍办公租房合同范本,希望对大家有帮助! 办公租房合同范本1 出租人:xxx (以下简称甲方).电话: 承租人:xxx (以下简称乙方)电话: 根据《中...+阅读
Dear Bob,
I am writing to make an apology to you for I fot to return a music CD which I borrowed from you last week. Yesterday I he e back from Canada and I found it in my luggage. I am so sorry that you cannot listen to it at present.
The CD which I borrowed from you is made in Canada, so I believe you can find another one in your local store. How about your buying another CD by yourself and I will pay for it? If you cannot find the similar one, I would send it back to you through a post office. And if there are any other solutions you like, please let me know.
I am sorry again for my carelessness. Looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
Dear ______,
Much to my regret / I am terribly sorry that I am unable to ______ . It is mainly because at that time I will be full occupied by which is quite out of my expectation, and that conflicts with your . Therefore I am forced to adjust my schedule and cannot make my presence on your . I sincerely hope that you will enjoy a good time. By the way, can we he dinner together some time next week? I hope to see you soon. I am really sorry again and I trust that you will understand.
Yours sincerely,
Dear ______,
I am writing this letter to apologize to you for my failing to .
The reason is that ______ . I am sorry that I cannot finish in time, but is it possible that I make up the loss by ? If so, I will put everything else aside to .
I do hope that you can understand my situation and accept my apology.
Yours sincerely,
居住用房屋租赁合同范本依据《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关法律、法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿的基础上,就房屋租赁的有关事宜达成协议. 居住用房屋租赁合同范本(1) 甲方(出租方)__________ 身...
担保借款合同的范本经__________________(以下简称贷款方)与________________(以下简称借款方)充分协商,签订本合同,共同遵守。 一、自____________至____________,由贷款方提供借款方____________贷...
个人住宅房屋租赁合同范本标准版房屋租赁合同最重要的就是写的要标准,以下是小编带来房屋租赁合同范本的相关内容,希望对你有帮助。 个人住宅房屋租赁合同范本标准版【1】 在租赁期内,甲方应保证出租房屋的使...
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私人借款借条范本如今民间借贷的现象越来越普遍,从而引发的经济纠纷也在逐年递增。那么私人借款借条范本该怎么写呢?下面是小编为大家整理的私人借款借条范本,希望对大家有帮助。 私人借款借条...
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