

01月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我的的暑假计划英语作文]My holiday life will be busy but interesting. I am going to do my homework every day so that I can finish my homework on time.I am going to the library to borro...+阅读

Unit 3


allow sb to do sth→sb be allowed to do

2.get sth done

3.choose to do sth

4.stop doing

stop to do

5.either 用于否定句

too 用于肯定句

6.get to+地点→reach+地点→arrive in+地点

get to+地点→reach+地点→arrive at+地点

A: 没有地点只能用arrive

B: 地点是副词用get there/reach there/arrive there

7.pass the exam

fail the exam

8.the other day 前几天

9.concentrate more on 更加关注…

10.be good for… 对…有益/害

be bad for…




13.have an opportunity to do…

14.finish doing

15.look good on sb

16.at least

17.be asleep

be sleepy

18.have a day off…

19.agree with…

20.get in the way of…

21.worry about…=be worried about…

22.nothing but+动词原形

23.happen sth happen to sb

happen sth happen in sp

※What happened…?

What has happened…?


24.be serious about doing…

25.the only thing(that)…

26.a few/few +可数名词

a little/little +不可数名词

※a little+形容词(比较级)

a little+单数可数名词“一个小的”

27.care about…

28.only then+倒装句

29.have a chance to do sth.

have a chance of doing sth.

30.before, after+doing sth…


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