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《飞屋环游记》精彩对白 Fredricksen: Good morning, gentlemen. Man: Good morning, mr. Fredricksen. You're ready to go? Fredricksen: Ready as I'll ever be. Would you do me the favourand take this? I'll meet you in the van in just a minute. I... wanna say one last goodbye to the old place. Man: Sure. Take all the time you need, sir. That's typical. He's probably going to the bathroom for the 80th time. You'd think he'd take better care of his house. Fredricksen: So long, boys! I'll send you a postcard from Paradise Falls! We are on our way, Ellie. Russell: Hi, mr. Fredricksen. It's me, Russell. Fredricksen: What are you doing out here, kid? Russell: I found the snipeand I followed it under your porch. But this snipe had a long tail and looked more like a large mouse. Please, let me in. Fredricksen: No. Aw, all right. You can...come... in. Russell: I've never been in a floating house before. Goggles... Look at this stuff! Are you going on a trip? "Paradise Falls, a land lost in time". Are you going to South America, mr. Fredricksen? Fredricksen: Don't touch that! You'll soilit. Russell: You know, most people take a plane. But you're smart, because you have your TV, clocks and stuff. Ooo, is this how you steeryour house? Does it really work? This makes it turn right and that way is left. Hey, look! Buildings! That building's so close, I can almost touch it! Wow, this is great! You should try this, mr. Fredricksen. Look, there's a bus that could take me home two blocks away! Hey, I can see your house from here! Fredricksen: Don't jerkaround so much, kid! Well, that's not gonna work. Russell: I know that cloud, it's a "cumulonimbus". Did you know that a cumulonimbus... Fredricksen: Aaa, I stayed upall night blowing upballons... for what? That's nice, kid. What are you doing over there? Russell: Look! See? Cumulonimbus. 《飞屋环游记》妙语佳句 1. do sb a favor: 帮助某人。

常用的句型有: Would you do me a favor please? 请你帮我个忙,好吗? 此外,我们还常用in favor of来表示“赞成,支持,有利于”,而curry favor with则表示“巴结,拍马屁”。 2. so long: 再见,非正式用语,相当于see you later。 例如:See you tonight. So long.(今晚见,再见了。) 3. snipe: 鹬,沙锥鸟。 据说snipe是一种身体娇小、动作十分灵活的小鸟,要猎获这种鸟并不容易,需要相当不错的射击和潜行的技术,因此,snipe做动词也可以表示“狙击”。

此外,snipe还可以表示“冷言冷语地指摘;抨击”,而“抨击某人”,就可以用snipe at someone来表示。 4. goggle: 护目镜。 此外,goggle做动词还可以表示“(尤指由于惊恐而)瞪大眼睛看”,常用goggle at sb/sth来表达。 5. soil: 弄脏。 例如:She soiled her dress with ink. 她的衣服被墨水弄脏了。 6. steer:驾驶,掌舵。 例如:Steer the boat for that island.(把船驶向那个岛。

) 7. jerk: 急拉,猛推。 而jerk sb around则表示“(尤指通过不诚实的手段)给某人出难题,为某人设置障碍,为难某人”。 8. cumulonimbus:积雨云。 积雨云臃肿庞大,云顶有丝缕状冰晶结构,顶部常扩展成砧状或马鬃状。积雨云几乎都会形成降水,包括雷电、阵雨、阵性大风及冰雹等天气现象,甚至发生龙卷风,在特殊地区,还会产生强烈的外旋气流---下击暴流。

这是一种可以使飞机遭遇坠毁灾难的气流。 9. stay up: 不睡觉,熬夜。 例如:I am going to stay up late to finish my paper.(为了完成报告我打算熬夜不睡。) 10.blow up: 使充气,放大。 这里的blow up balloons则是指“吹气球”。 希望能帮到楼主。


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