

01月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[幼儿园中大段教研组工作总结]一、教研课题的完成生态式教学如何贯穿于整个一日生活活动中? 本期我组对晨间接待活动进行了研讨。晨间接待是幼儿园第一个活动环节,也是与家长沟通,家长了解幼儿园的一个窗口...+阅读

来了,请指教 嘛事? 直接hi我,或把东西发我邮箱 lili986623126.com Thanks for your letter dated May,5th about asking us to lower the price of 3%. But we are sorry to inform you that it's impossible to reduce the price on your requirement.As you know,the cost of materials have substantially risen.Moreover we have received many inquiries from other regions and they wish to deal in our price.Thus,we can't accept your counter-offer now. However,in view of the our good long-term busniess relationship,we think we can make the deal on 2% price reduction if you can make a concession in the price. Looking forward to you kind reply soon! 纯手工翻译! 我也是做外贸的,天天写这些东西



英语翻译:我认为总结一下学习英语的经验是值得一试的I think to summarize the experience of English learning is worth a try. Here, I would like to make three relevant points. First extensive reading should be rega...

小议高职商务英语翻译教学经验二、以德国功用主义翻译实际指点商务英语翻译教学(一)德国功用主义翻译实际 功用翻译实际在20世纪70年代发生于德国,代表人物有:Katharina Reiss,Hans Vermeer,Justa Holz Manta...


商务英语翻译技巧绪论翻译Preface Business English is the understanding of our business under the scenario applied to the English, in fact it is with our understanding of spoken English,...

针对商务英语翻译的特点商务英语有哪些翻译技巧直译 (literal translation) 不等于对译 意译 (free translation) 活译 (dynamic equivalence translation) 词类转换 英语名词转换成汉语动词 (与英语中名词转为动词词义不同)All I...
