

02月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一篇关于测量的实训报告]学校 广州大学市政技术学院 专业 07工程监理 班组 第六组 学号 0735132106 姓名 陈雪婷 实习地点 校园内 实习日期 11月24日~12月5日 指导教师 刘尔璋、刘放清 前 言 1:项目...+阅读

一、询盘Dear Sirs, We have received your letter together with your catalogs. Having thoroughly studied the catalogs, we find that Art. No. bs-12, bs-14, pc-12 and pc-14 are quite suitable for our market. We may need one 20' FCL each for May, 2008 Dlivery. Please kindly inform us if you are able to supply and quote us your most favorable price for the above goods on the basis of CIFC3 NEWYORK with details, including packing, shipment, insurance and payment. Your immediate attention will be highly appreciated. With best regards.

二、发盘Dear Sirs, Thank you for your enquiry of March 7th. We are very glad to learn that you are interested in our products. Recently we have received a large number of orders from our clients and it seems that the demand is still increasing. We hope the same thing will happen in your market and are very glad to quote as follows: Commodity: ART.NO.bs-12 USD136.62 /dozen CIFC3 NEW YORKART.NO. bs-14 USD147.21 /dozen CIFC3 NEW YORKART.NO. pc-12 USD25.02 /dozen CIFC3 NEW YORKART.NO. pc-14 USD31.10/dozen CIFC3 NEW YORK Packing: ART. NO.bs-12 & bs-14 to packed in cartons of 12 dozens eachART. NO.pc-12 & pc-14 to packed in cartons of 24 dozens eachone 20' FCL for each Art. No. 200 cartons to packed in one container Shipment: Shipment is to be effected within 30 days of the receipt f the relevant L/C, but not later than May 31. Insurance: To be covered by the seller for 110% of total invoice value against all risks and war risks. Payment: By irrevocable sight letter of credit for full amount of the invoice value.This quotation is valid for 7 days and we are looking forward to receiving you order. Best regards!

三、还盘Dear Sirs, We write to thank you for your offer of March 12. However after a careful study of your quotation, we find that your price seems to be on the high side. It will leave us with almost no profit to accept your price. We appreciate the quality of your products and are glad to have the opportunity to do business with you. We suggest that you make some allowance on your price. For your reference, the highest prices we can accept are as follows: ART.NO.bs-12 USD125.40 /dozen CIFC3 NEW YORKART.NO.bs-14 USD138.50 /dozen CIFC3 NEW YORKART.NO.pc-12 USD22.80 /dozen CIFC3 NEW YORK ART.NO.pc-14 USD28.60 /dozen CIFC3 NEW YORK Please take it into serious consideration and your early reply will be appreciated. Best regards!

四、接受Dear Sirs, Thank you for your order of March 27th. We are pleased to do business with you and are sending you our signed Sales Confirmation No.LD-DRGSC01 in duplicate. Please return one copy with your counter-signature for our file. You can be assured that we will try our best to execute the order, and that the good quality of our commodities will meet your request. As the shipment date is approaching, please open the relevant L/C to reach us before 15th April so that we can effect shipment on time. Best regards! 单证太多了,不知你具体要哪个?


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