

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[中专生个人学习总结急急急快快写一篇500字学期的学习爱]这里有1篇,可以参考下^_^ 三年的中专生活似弹指一挥间,从刚跨入中专时的失落和迷茫,到现在即将走上工作岗位的从容、坦然。我知道,这又是我们人生中的一大挑战,角色的转换。这除...+阅读

It is this phase that significantly improves my tourism English, which is incontrovertibly essential in many aspects of our life. undeniabble is that the tutors did do a very excellent and outstanding job, encouraging the students to excel themselves in terms of speaking English as well as writing English and coordinating the messurement of our time schedule. We have gained much progress in aspects of communicating with each other using English as a main tool. English writing is another sphere that I do get enhanced in. All in all, the ability to use Tourism English in our daily lives is the most significant to me, equipping me with the competence to expressing myself in a brand new environment. however, i have also come up with obstacles in this phase, including psychological and physical aspects. I felt quite defeated when failing an exam but Truely i understand that a real man should never say "no" not matter how hard the hail of tragedies he was facing. And this is what I mean by "indefatigable". Determinedly I have decided to work even harder heteroto and push myself to a new height.




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求一篇期末总结急急急回顾·回味·期盼 时间像那无情的流水,朝朝暮暮间滚滚东去。初二已停留在六月——早已结束。过不了多久,“初二学生”的称号就要离我们而去。我们将从初二“晋升”到初三,到达...

初一的期末小结急急急!!这个学期结束了。在这个学期里,老师为我们的学习付出了许多心血,我们也为自己的学习洒下了许多辛勤的汗水。这次期末考试,我的每门功课,都取得了比较好的成绩。 总结这个学期的...
