

03月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[初中英语有哪些语法点帮我总结一下谢谢]首先是时态问题:一般现在时,现在进行时,一般将来时,一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,现在完成时,过去完成时…… 接着是被动语态,要以时态的掌握为基础,这样才能方便理解记忆,死记那...+阅读



初一:主+谓+宾+ that 引导宾语从句与表语从句 事例如下: I had heard of some noises that disturbed many people (这样的句子要自己学着去翻译吧) 我听到一些噪音 这些噪音影响了很多人

初二: 状语从句 、倒装句 时间状语从句 地点状语从句.......事例如下:常用词(Link Words:after,as,as soon as,before,each time,every time,once,since,the first time,the moment,until,when,while,etc.)这些词语很常见,一定熟记

句子(参考下自己写的):the JUESHI, (which requires abundant energy,) is definitely a dance for the young. (这样的简单句你好好分析下就很简单了)爵士舞很收青年人青睐

初三 :虚拟语气 主语+would / should/ could / might + 动词原形


2 :表示与过去的事实相反,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时

3:表示与将来事实相反,条件状语从句中的谓语动词一般过去时或should(were to) + 动词原形,而主句中的谓语动词则用would / should/

事例:If he had taken my advice, he would have succeeded in the competition.

同学 ,这些是我自己总结的一些心得(绝对没有COPY哦),不知道对你有用不,至于高考嘛,只要你掌握好现在的知识,高考对于你来说以后就是水到渠成。愿你学业有成,更上一层楼…… my sincere hope ,come on ,


七年级(上)重点句型和词组 七年级(上) Uints 1-6 I.重点句型 Starter Good morning/afternoon/evening.Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you? I'm fine,/OK,thanks. Fine,thanks. What's this in English? It's a map. It's V. Spell it please.K-E-Y. What color is it/the key? It's blue.The key is yellow. Hello, Frank.Hello/Hi, Eric. Unit 1 My name is Gina. What's your name? My name is Jenny. I'm Jenny.Jenny. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you , too. What's his name?His name is Jenny.Jenny. What's her name?Her name is Linda.. Linda. What's your first name?My first name is Jack. Jack. What's your last/family name? My last/family name is Green. It's Green. What's your/his/her phone number?My /His/Her phone number is 234-4567 It's 281-9176. Unit 2 Is this your pencil? Is that/this/it your backpack?Yes, it is. No, it isn't . It's his backpack. This/That is my eraser. How do you spell it/pen? P-E-N. Call Allan at 486-67895 Call 685-6098 Call Mary. Phone # 235-7865. Is that your computer game in the lost and found case? Yes, it is.No, it isn't. Unit 3 This is my sister. That/This is his sister. These/Those are my two brothers. Is she your friend? Yes, she is. No, she isn't. Is he your brother? Yes, he is.No, he isn't. Thanks for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo. Who's your sister?This/She is my sister.


初中英语重要句型总结 2006年3月1日 初中英语重要句型 as soon as as…as… as…as possible ask sb. for sth. ask/tell sb. (how) to do sth. ask/tell sb. not to do sth. be afraid of doing sth./ that… 初中英语重要句型 8. be busy doing sth. 9. be famous/ late/ ready/ sorry for… 10. be glad that… 11. buy/ give/ show/ bring/ lend/ send/ pass/ tell…sth to sb. 12.buy/ give/ show/ send/ pass/ bring/ lend/ tell sb. sth. 初中英语重要句型 13. either …or… 14.enjoy/ hate/ like/ finish/ stop/ mind/ keep/ go on doing sth. 15. find it+adj.to do sth. 16.get +比较级 17. get ready for/ get sth. ready 18. had better (not) do sth. 初中英语重要句型 19. help sb. (to) do / help sb. with… 20. I don't think that… 21. I would like to/ Would you like to.. 22. is one of the +最高级+名词复数 23. It is +adj. for sb. to do sth. 24. It is a good idea to do sth. 25. It is the second +最高级+名词 初中英语重要句型 26. It looks like…/ It sounds like… 27. It seems to sb. that… 28. It sounds +adj./ It looks+adj. 29. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 30. It's bad/ good for … 31. It's time for…/ to do sth. 32. It's two meters(years)long (high, old) 初中英语重要句型 33. keep sb. doing sth. 34. like to do / like doing sth 35. keep/ make sth. +adj. 36. make / let sb. (not) do sth. 37. neither…nor… 38. not…at all 39. not…until… 初中英语重要句型 40. One…the other…/ Some ….others… 41. prefer …to… 42. see/hear sb. do(doing) sth. 43. so …that… 44. spend… on/ (in) doing sth. 45. stop to do/ stop doing sth. 46. such a (an)+adj. +n. that… 初中英语重要句型 47. take/bring sth. with sb. 48. thank sb. for sth. 49. The more…the more… 50. There is something wrong with… 51. too…to… 52. used to… 53. What about/ How about… 初中英语重要句型 54. What's the matter with… 55. What's wrong with… 56. Why not… 57. Will( Would, Could) you please…


五年级英语上册英语语法都有哪些知道的就这么多,希望有帮助五年级英语语法总结 本学期重点语法知识一 一、一般现在时: 概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况。 时间状语: always, usually, often,...

初中英语语法总结初中语法么? 一般是会涉及到一般现在时(主语+动词的第三人称单数形式)、一般过去时(was/were+动词过去式)、现在进行时(be+动词的现在分词即V-ing形式)、现在完成时(have/has+动词过...

英语请问时态语句语法总结一般现在时: 一般现在时是英语中应用最广泛的时态之一,是初中英语语法重点。它表示1)经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态。e.g. I go to school on foot. He is very busy now....

初中全部英语知识点和语法点到新华书店英语专区就有各式各样的.有的还是袖珍式的,有的还配备了词汇大全,我就买了1本.跑一趟,相信会有所获. 网上也可以找到. 初中英语语法 学习提纲 一、词类、句子成分和...


初中英语重要句型总结初中英语重要句型总结 2006年3月1日 初中英语重要句型 尽快 因为… …因为… 作为… …尽可能 请问锑。为sth 。 询问/告诉SB。 (如何)做sth 。 询问/告诉SB。不这样做, sth 。...

初中英语重点句型1. Stop from 2. Let stay 3. Not to play 4. To finish 5. Didn't stop talking 6. So happy that started 7. Enough to hold 8. At all 9. Are used cutting 10. Would t...

初中英语句型大全初中英语重要句型总结 第一组: 1. It's time for ... It's time to do sth. 2. It's bad for ... 3. It's good for ... 4. be late for ... 5. What's wrong with … What's...

初中英语语法知识总结一 名词性从句: 1. 主要包括主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句. 一般由that 引起,也可由who, what, when, why, which, whom, whether, how 引起. 2. 主语从句很多情况下...
