

04月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[高一必修一英语所有短语]uniit One Friendship1. add upadd up toadd sth. to sth.2. calm down3. be concerned about4. have got to (do sth.)5. go through6. hide away7. a series of 8. set do...+阅读



我现在初二,所以初二下得只有到Unit 5.



1.say thanks to sb.对某人道谢.

2.one of+复名 ...之一.

3.invite sb to do sth.邀请某人做某事

invite sb. to swh.邀请某人去某地

4. be popular with. 受...的欢迎

5.be proud of..

6.be pleased with.

7.be able to(各种时态)=can(一般现在、过去时态) 能...

8.seem to do sth.=It seems that+从句 看起来、似乎怎么样.

9.cheer sb up 使某人振作.

10.make peace with sb.与某人和谐

11.be full of= be filled with(被动语态)充满

12.make sb+abj. 使某人adj. make sb to do sth. 叫某人去做某事

13.be / get used to doing sth.习惯做某事

U5T2:1.it doesn't matter if+条件状语从句 没事.

2.have a talk with sb. = talk with sb.与某人谈话

3.be strict with sb. be strict in/about sth 对某人要求严格 对某事要求严格

4.be worried about sb/sth = worry wbout sb/sth担心某事

5.try to do sth尝试做.....

6.talk with sb about sth.与某人谈论某事

7.at the age of = when+时间状语从句 at one's age 在某人几岁时 在某人的这个年龄

8.deal with(how连用)= do with(what连用)处理

9.* as +adj/adv + as 与……一样……

10.not as/so +adj/adv. +as=...+adj/adv+than... 两者比较

11.refuse sth. refuse sb sth refuse to do sth.拒绝某事 拒绝某人某事 拒绝去做某事


1.take turns to do sth轮流做某事

2.make sb+n. 选某人当n.

3.too+adj+(for sb)+to do sth=...not enough to do sth= so...that.... 太...以至于...

4.make a decision (to do sth.)= decide (to do sth.) 决定(做某事)

5.instead of = in place of除了

6.get back to sth. 回到某事上.


1be from= come form 来自... 2 pen pal=pen friend 笔友

3like and dislike 好恶;爱憎 4live in….在...居住

5speak English 讲英语 6play sports 做体育运动

7a little French 一些法语 8go to the movies 去看电影

9an action movie 一部动作片 10on weekends 在周末

11Excuse me 对不起,打扰 12get to 到达、抵达

13beginning of 在...开始的时候 14at the end of 在...结束的时候

15arrive at /


(1)、Where主 +be+主语+from? 主语+be +from+地点.

(2)、Where do/does+主语+live? 主语+live/lives in…

(3)、What language do/does +主语+speak? 主语+speak/speaks….

(4)、主语+like/likes +doing…


1-Where is your pen pal from? -He's from China.

2-Where does she live --She lives in Tokyo.

3-Does she speak English? -Yes, she does/ No, she dosen't.

4-Is that your new pen pal? -Yes, he is / No, e isn't.

5-What language does she speak? -She speaks English赞同0| 评论


go to the movie 去看电影 prepare ----for 为什么做准备 say thanks to 对某人说谢谢 smiling face 笑脸 movie theater 电影院 not---at all 根本一点也不 be proud of 为什么感到骄傲 be worried about 对什么担心 wait in line 排队等候 be pleased with对什么感到满意\高兴 set the table 摆好餐桌 have a temperature =have a fever发烧 be able to 能做---- go well 进展顺利 ring sb(代词) up 打电话 ring sb(名字) up \ ring up sb(名字) because of 因为 cheer up 加油 \欢呼 \使振作 get married to sb. Sb. And sb. get married 结婚 ever after 从此以后 on the way to 在去---的路上 . fall into 掉进---each other 彼此 come into being 形成 be full of 装满 \充满 fill---with---用---把---装满 be filled with---被---装满 end with + n 以什么结尾 seem to do sth 似乎(表一种推测). be strict with sb对某人严格要求 at one's age 在某人的年龄 make sb laugh 使某人发笑 be used to + doing 习惯于 get used to +doing as----as 和---一样 not as\so----as 和---不一样 a piece of advice 一条建议 deal with 处理 \解决 for example 例如 learn from sb 向某人学习 learn to do sth 学做某事 be angry with sb 对---生气 be angry about sth be angry at sb\sth even though =even if 尽管 \即使 begin to do sth开始做某事 not---any longer =no longer不再 not---anymore =no more by oneself 自己一个人 take part in 参加 in one's teens在某人的青少年时期 take a walk 散步 hate to do sth 憎恨做某事 follow sb's advice遵循某人的意见 take turns to do ---- 轮流做某事 put on 上演 \穿上 at the end of 在什么的尽头 in a good \ bad moood 心情愉快\糟糕 in a good \ bad spirits好\坏心情 a sense of一种---样的感觉 take medicine 吃药


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