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四、抓实常规,保证教育教学任务全面完成。坚持以教学为中心,强化管理,进一步规范教学行为,并力求常规与创新的有机结合,促进教师严谨、扎实、高效、科学的良好教风及学生严肃、勤奋、求真、善问的良好学风的形成。教师从点滴入手,了解学生的认知水平,查找资料,精心备课,努力创设宽松愉悦的学习氛围,激发兴趣,教给了学生知识,更教会了他们求知、合作、竞争,培养了学生正确的学习态度。良好的学习习惯及方法,使学生学得有趣,学得实在,确有所得,向40分钟要效益。做好教学的每一件事,切实抓好单元过关及期中质量检测。为了使新课程标准落实进一步落实,引到老师走进新课程,抛砖引玉,对新课程标准的教学内容、教学方式、教学评估、及教育价值观等多方面体现。一份耕耘,一份收获。教学工作苦乐相伴。我们将本着“勤学、善思、实干”的准则,一如既往,再接再厉,把工作搞得更好。 Primary Mathematics teaching and research work summary A semester will soon be over, we can say hectic harvest lot. Overall look, all math teachers to seriously implement the school teaching work plans, change their thinking, and actively explore the reform of teaching, the school continue to promote awareness of problem-solving ability to study "research" students of Applied Mathematics at the same time, the new curriculum standards new ideas, new concepts and new ideas of mathematics classroom teaching, new ideas bine to change their thinking, and actively explore the reform of teaching received very good results. Curriculum standards into the hearts of teachers to enter the classroom How do we teach mathematics, national math curriculum standards of mathematics teaching content, teaching methods, teaching and assessment of educational values and other aspects he put forward a number of new requirements. No doubt every one of our math teachers body set to meet this challenge, each teacher must rethink the problem. Classroom teaching between teachers and students between the contact interaction and mon development. The semester every one of our math teachers are classroom teaching practice, in order to ensure the implementation of the new curriculum standards, our classroom teaching as a conducive learning environment for students to take the initiative to explore mathematical, students acquire knowledge and skills at the same time, the emotional , attitudes, values, and so are able to fully develop as a fundamental guiding ideology of teaching reform. Mathematics teaching as interactive exchanges between teachers and students, and mon development process. Closely linked to the new curriculum standards in teaching and research, led by long and school students Applied Mathematics of the awareness of the ability to solve problems. " Thoroughly understand the textbook for a limited time, writing lesson plans, class students Lessons, speaker, self-assessment; actively using a variety of teaching resources, creative use ofteaching materials and repeated scrutiny perfect wonderful case. The practice shows that the way of this lesson preparation, not only take care of the actual situation of the class set, but also conducive to the plementary advantages between teachers, thus the overall improvement of the lesson planning level. Carefully prepare lessons before class, writing lesson plans, to take advantage of fresh in my memory after implementation, review, reflection wrote personal experience or omissions own coaching, glittering or confused note of student learning, teachers are the most valuable first-hand information, accumulation of teaching experience and lessons learned, it is very useful for the future improvement of classroom teaching and teachers teaching water assessment. Pre-class preparation is not a mere formality, bee a real reflection of afterschool accumulated a lot of useful experience and inspiration for future teaching. Taken together teaching activities to take into account the harmony and unity of the knowledge of education and humanities education, these are not the finished pleted happen overnight. Requires teachers to continue to learn and continue to practice, raising the cultural level with the man realm, this will be a long and valuable effort. While summing up the achievements we constantly reflect on teaching, curriculum reform to promote scientific research, innovation and development, and continue to extend the essence of the open class applied to the day-to-day teaching practice. Contact efforts to deal with mathematics teaching with real life, efforts to deal with application awareness and the importance of problem-solving, keen to cultivate awareness and ability of students of applied mathematics. Keen to cultivate a sense of exploration and innovation ability of the students. Often thinking, often research often summarize, in order to promote scientific research and curriculum reform, innovation and development, further changing concepts of education, adhere to the "people-oriented, and promote the overall development of students, lay the foundation, students ability to innovate," independent - innovation "focused on the research and application of classroom teaching mode and effort to teaching high-quality, high-efficiency class. Innovation evaluation, incentives to promote the overall development of students. Evaluation as a prehensive study of student learning conditions, inspire students' enthusiasm for learning, a means of promoting the all-round development of students, but also as a teacher reflection and a powerful means of teaching. Evaluation of student learning, both concerned about the students 'knowledge and skills to understand and master their emotions and attitudes are more concerned about the formation and development; both concerned with the results of the students' mathematics learning, more attention to them in the learning process of change and development. Grab the grasp of the basics, grasping classwork detract from the clear, using a bination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, quantitative hierarchy, qualitative reviews the form, pay more attention to what students he mastered those advances, and with what capacity . The results of the evaluation will help establish the self-confidence of the students to learn mathematics, to improve the students' interest in learning mathematics, to promote the development of students. For example: "These days we can learn a larger unit of length kilometers understanding students through their own efforts to collect, record far away, to know how to speculate, it is estimated that the far distance, in this regard class the best, but there are certain difficulties in language, Greek continue efforts rating of excellent. "based on qualitative reviews, students and teachers an emotional exchange, the students get a successful experience , set the self-confidence to learn mathematics, but also know what areas should continue its efforts. This semester we do in the job evaluation a number of attempts, the practice is to evaluate teacher day job, student self-examination given after corrections. And realistically General to ensure the full pletion of the educational and teaching tasks. Adhere teaching, strengthen management, to further standardize the teaching behior, and seeks the bination of conventional and innovative to promote strict teachers, a solid, efficient, good science teaching style and student serious, hard-working, seeking truth and good style of study, good question formation. Teachers from scratch and to understand the level of students' cognitive, find information, carefully preparing lessons, strive to create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for learning, stimulate interest, to teach students knowledge, taught their knowledge, cooperation, petition, training students on the proper learning attitude. Good study habits and methods to enable students to learn interesting to learn it, and ensure that proceeds to 40 minutes to be effective. Everything good teaching and effectively enhance the quality inspection of the unit clearance and interim. In order to make the implementation of the new curriculum standards further implemented, lead to the teacher walked into the new curriculum, initiate of the new curriculum standards of teaching content, teaching methods, teaching, assessment, and education values and other aspects reflected. A hard, a harvest. Teaching and rewarding panions. The spirit of "Diligence, Shansi, hard work guidelines, we will continue to make persistent efforts to do a better job.


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