

01月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[作文:如何提高数学成绩 500字]一、课本要“预、做、复”。每堂新课之前,做到先预习,特别要把难点或不懂之处用彩笔划出,以便上课时更加注意。每节内容后面的练习自己可以先做一做,做到看懂70%的新内容,会做80%...+阅读

This week I had a very happy, because I do many, many interesting things, also learned a lot of new knowledge, grasps many new skills.

On Wednesday night, we in the midst of the stadium watched a wonderful "English song contest". The primary section of many students took part in the contest. They sang a lot of good English songs, I like it very much, students also followed them in the sing, everyone is so happy. This time I can't take part in the game, a little regret, next time I must try.

This week, I also read a book fable story books, including a "sour grapes" story is very interesting, I like it very much. It let me understand a truth: a person who can't get what he wanted, he said that bad things, the idea and practice is ridiculous.

I like reading, but I would like to write a composition, writing a diary. The teacher said I write a composition progress soon. The teacher and mother told me once said: "as long as you like something, you will soon learn, learn it well." I think they say really for.

I this week also learned to stand on his head. I was not stand on his head, since I went into the school dancing group, I can stand on his head against the wall.

This week, I harvest particularly big, I'm happy. In the later study and life, and I will continue to work hard.


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