

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com


David, Tom, Jenny, Casey Casey: Yeah… holidays are around the corner! Jenny: Yes, I know. Still have one week to go, my dear! Casey: Yes, but I can't resist the urge to pack my luggage! Tom: Pack your luggage? Where are you going, Casey? David: She has already told us about the trip to Macau. Casey: Yes. I'm going to Macau! Hurray! Tom: Macau? It seems interesting. Jenny: Her family is going to Macau this holiday. Tom: Yes, I remembered you told us before about your uncle and aunt in Macau. Are you going to visit them? Casey: Yes, exactly. It has been 3 years I haven't seen my uncle and aunt. David: No wonder you are very excited. Jenny: How about you, David? Are you going somewhere? I heard that you was planning to go for travel last month. David: Hmm… Previously we planned to go to Guilin. But we're going to visit my cousin in Guangdong. He is now staying at hospital. Tom: Is it the cousin who involved in a car accident last week? Shaun, is it? David: Yes, it's Shaun. He was injured in a road accident. We are very worried about him. Jenny: Yes, you would better go to visit your cousin instead of going to Guilin. Casey: I'm sorry, David. Please send our regards to him. I hope he will get well soon. David: Yes, thanks a lot. How about you, Tom and Jenny? Where are you going this holiday? Don't tell me you both are staying home without going anywhere. Tom: We are going to attend a motivation camping. Jenny: Yes. It is called Youth Camping and Motivation Program. Casey: It seems exciting. What is it all about? David: Yes. Is it regarding to a learning program? Tom: Yes, through this program, we may able to learn many skills such as leadership, team-building, motivations and so on. We are going to have lots of fun! Jenny: Yes, we are going to have fun besides learning from the camping experience. It is going to be a meaningful holiday for us. Casey: It is good to attend camping. Tell me more about it! Tom: We would better stop here. David: Yes, the recess is over. Let's go back to our classroom. Tom & Jenny: Ok… chat with you after school. David & Casey: See you later. 希望你满意。


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