

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[暑假学习计划怎么写]1.制定一个学习计划 根据自己的身体状态,确定每天学习时间看书,就要把能掌握的知识点搞清楚。 2.制定学习计划的基本原则: 一、具体。 二、合理。制定自己能够完成的计划,不要使...+阅读

这是外科住院医师的学习计划。英文版的。我想,中文的参考一下。Surgery Residency Personal Statement Surgery was my dream long before it came to be real life in medical school. I had begun to appreciate the enormous scope and depth of the field of medicine while still a very young man and my suspicions have been confirmed. The vastness of what we have still to learn refreshes my spirit and inspires me to never become complacent always struggling to make surgery as efficient and effective as possible. This struggle sustains my sense of dignity and self-worth, making each day a joy to live. I am a 27 year-old Indian man who now lives in New York, with the Indian equivalent of the M.D. Degree. In addition to English and Hindi, Telugu is my mother tongue and my primary language of study until it was changed to English while I was in high school. I preserve the rich flavor of my native India and have overcome many obstacles in my quest to become fully professional in English communication. During in my first year of medical school, I used to accompany my mom who is a pharmacist whenever she went to health camps, to check blood pressure and draw blood from patients, thereby learning a lot from my mom. I also formed a student organization along with my classmates dedicated to conducting free blood donation camps, health information camps. We also adopted a small slum area "Nandanavanam" and operated weekly health and immunization camps, along with AIDS awareness, and Malaria eradication programs. I had the privilege of helping several of my senior colleagues in this period who were working on their thesis projects, collecting relevant patient data, reviewing pt charts, worked in a government-funded community hospital , a multi specialty hospital , and I am presently working on two clinical research projects related to trauma at XXXX Medical College/XXXX Medical Centre.I have had an excellent opportunity to demonstrate my command of the clinical knowledge base and have been exposed to an extremely broad variety of cases during my time of service at XXXX hospital, one of the biggest in South India. I am especially proud of my high level of dissection skills combined with my extremely high motivation for practicing surgery. My clinical rotations, in particular, have brought surgery home to me as much more than an art form, as also an act of love and solidarity that I find most gratifying. As someone who loves the arts, I greatly admire the way that surgery balances art and science almost as in a dance, requiring the highest levels of concentration and dexterity. I see difficulties as challenges, and this draws me to surgery in particular. Surgery is my stage, and becoming an ever-more skilled and practiced surgeon is the life course that is the fullest expression of my spirituality as well as artistry. I have a sharp, well trained eye and a quick mind, born from a long love affair with art, puzzles, and a broad spectrum of intellectual challenges. I set high standards for myself and I fervently believe that the capacity to be critical of one's own work is central to the fullest level of success possible in surgery. In addition to possessing the qualities required of an aspiring surgeon, I believe that I also have the fortitude that accompanies having passed through many trials through which I have matured emotionally and professionally into someone who is highly adept at operating at optimal level under moments of enormously high pressure.I seek a position with a surgery residency program to have the opportunity to further cultivate my maximum potential, a program such as yours with the structure and discipline required for advancement. I would be pleased to participate in research as a component of the residency program. My primary interest, however, is clinical training and an opportunity to struggle towards an ever fuller appreciation of the science of surgery. I look forward to becoming part of your program where residents provide support to one another and attending physicians are pleased to share their wealth of knowledge and expertise. I spend my spare time outdoors and exercise rejuvenates me for a return to my rotations. I have worked as a volunteer with a community health centre, and thus better appreciate the way that health-care is rooted in the community. I am a hard worker, and especially drawn to creation, pencil sketching, dancing, swimming in summer, teaching my child, having served as a cultural coordinator in inter- medical college sports. Surgery is my life and my greatest pleasure is to make direct and profound contributions to the health of the ...


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