

03月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[会计助理主要做些什么工作]助理会计岗位职责任务 1、 在财务部主任的领导下,根据财务、会计制度及医院有关规定,做好原始凭证、记账凭证及财务开支标准执行情况的审核工作。 2、 对原始凭证,要从合法性、...+阅读







1.You should talk with your parents and prepare a small party.

2. Use your pocket money to buy the cake

3.Give the invitations to your classmates.

4.Give your parents a hand to decorate the living room

5.Clean the site at the end of party actively , to reduce the burden of your mother and have a meaningful birthday.


Dear Bianbian.

How nice to write to you again. I have a good news to tell you. It is my birthday tomorrow. I'm writing to invite you to my birtday party.

Tom, Ann and Kangkang will come to celebrate my birthday. Mom will prepare a lot of delicious food for us. Tom and Ann will decorate my living room and they will dance and play the guitar. Kangkang is going to sing English songs at the party. We will have many other games to play. I'm sure we will have a wonderful night.

The party will begin at six o'clock. So could you please arrive a little earlier, say half past five?



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