

04月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[马上就要中考了求制定计划]做完一下几点就行 第一阶段:梳理知识点提醒:临近中考,学生要有一定的自主性,光跟着老师“跑”没用。因为每位学生对知识点的掌握程度不同,复习进度也不同。 首先,归纳知识点。比如...+阅读


I plan to study

hard bacause I want to go to a school overseas.My dream school is

Harvard University.I might be a teacher,a doctor or a scientist.No

matter what,I'll be an expert at what I do so i can be useful to

society.I want to be rich,too.I want to make a lot of money so my family

will be proud of me.I also like to travel,so I want to visit every

country and see the world.I hope to meet many people and make many



随着开发、制造过程的数字化和网络化,特别是因特网的普及和发展,出现了基于因特网的先进制造模式——网络化制造模式。数字化机构综合设计平台系统主要是针对方案与构型已经成熟了的机构, 根据总体输入要求的变化, 快速实现机构产品的设计与分析, 将原来变更设计时由设计人员重新改变设计参数的过程变为由设计平台自动完成。数字化机构设计平台采用“自顶向下”的设计方法, 这种方法是从产品构成的最顶层开始把组成整机的e5a48de588b67a686964616f31333234306530部件作为一个整体系统来考虑, 并根据其在产品中的相互位置关系、所起的作用和实现的功能等建立产品构成的布局图形, 通过给定设计约束条件、关键的设计参数等设计信息, 集中地捕捉产品整机设计意图,自上而下地传递所给设计信息, 展开产品的整个设计过程。

With the development of the manufacturing process and digital networks, especially the Internet, the popularity and development, the emerging Internet-based advanced manufacturing model -- manufacturing network model. Digital Integrated System Design Platform is mainly directed against the program and configuration of the mature, According to the general entry requirements change rapidly agencies product design and analysis, changes in the original design from the designer to re-design parameters are changed into the process from design platform done automatically. Digital design platform using the "top-down" design methods, This product is the highest form of the component unit began as a component of the overall system to be considered according to their products in the mutual position, played the role and function of the realization of the establishment of such products constitute the graphic layout, through to design constraints, The key design parameters, such as design information capture products to concentrate on aircraft design intent, top to bottom to transmit design information products launched throughout the design process.


1.确定自己的毕业课题方向; 2.了解自己学校翻译要求,比如说字数、格式、对参考考文献是否要翻译等等; 3.找好相关的英文原文,估计一下,比如要翻5000字,则英文原文不加图要4页左右; 4.配好专业词汇软件和GOOGLE翻译,这两者会帮上大忙的,前者对一些专业词汇独到,后者可以让你对译文有个初步了解; 5.注意语句通顺,还有就是有些要意译,不然就会很别扭; 6.对于文中的公式最好用MATHTYPE编辑或者用WORD里的公式编辑器编辑,图片可以不用自己重新画,截过来在画图板里把要改的英文改成中文,其他工具也行,如果有严格要求就要用VISIO画了,对于图表,最好自己重新画; 7.因为有些图式粘过来的,所以编辑格式的时候要注意; 8.对参考文献的翻译:作者姓名可不用翻译,后面的基本都要翻译。




[英] [ˌgrædʒuˈeɪʃn][美] [ˈɡrædʒuˈeʃən]

n.毕业; 毕业典礼; 刻度,分度; 分等级;


I saw little or nothing of him after graduation.


After graduation, he lives on his own.


He worked as a magistrate after graduation.


John was asked to deliver a speech on the graduation.


The graduation is marked on the side of the flask.


Grades the indoor hypogene water fast to distribute whether to have the material effect evenly to the graduation effect.





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