
关于面试英语回答题目what should an effective resume

04月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[What employers expect from the professionals]What employers expect from the professionals of today With the advent of the information superhighway and the developments in information technology many employ...+阅读

关于面试英语回答题目what should an effective resume contain

1.On one hand,It shuld contain your basic imformation such as your name,birth place and so on.On the one hand, your own experience relavent to the job is of great important imformation you should offer.In short ,other imformation like your skill,social experience and so forth. 2.The basic elements of a resume contains your basic imformation such as your name,birth place and so on.What's more,your Language skill,work experience,social activities,which can help you to gain the position.

英语面试考试题目which is more important to you a job with high salary

The answer is blowing in the wind. I wanna a job that i can enjoy it.I don't even care about that salary or stress.Because a high salary job might let people softer and softer.I also don't care about stress.Sometime,that stress will make you more stronger to complete your mission what looks like can not be completed. Here's my answer. 答案在风中飘荡。(这种口语问题最好没有答案,阐述你的观点就可以了) 我想要一个我能享受其中的工作。我根本不在乎压力或者薪水。因为高薪的工作可能让人变得越来越软弱。我也不在乎压力。有时候,压力能让人变得更强大,完成看似无法完成的任务。 这是我的答案。 应该没问题吧。。。


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