

04月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英国留学申请个人陈述申请都需要有体现哪些呢]英国伍斯特大学贴心地提供了写个人陈述的三个重点,把握好这三个点,你写起来就轻而易举! 1、记得将申请的专业相关工作经验/兴趣写入 当你写的经历与申请相关的课程关联性越高,你...+阅读


留学推荐信中,被推荐人的品行(Characters)是必不可少的要素。每个人都有其独特的个性,归结起来可以分为十大类: ①Scholastic aptitude(学习方面的才能) a. Native intellectual ability(天赋) b. Imagination(想像力) c. Creativity(创造力) d. Capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力) e. Intellectual curiosity或Spirit of inquiry(好奇心) f. Ability to work independently (独立学习工作的能力) g. Memory(记忆力) h. Accuracy(精确性) i. Methodology(研究方法) j. Capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力) k. Potential as a researcher(研究的潜力) l. Potential as teacher(教学的潜力) m. Ability to express his ideas orally and in writing(口头或文字的表达能力) n. Capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work(是否有获致学业成功的能力、愿望与决心) o. Probable success as a graduate student(作为研究生成功的可能性) ②Academic performance(学业上的表现) a. Breadth of general knowledge (知识是否丰富) b. Knowledge of literature in his field(本专业领域知识) c. Grade or achievement (成绩或成就) d. Industry; diligence(勤勉) e. Participation in discussion(讨论是否积极) f. Academic maturity(学业上的成熟) ③Languages(语言能力) a. Ability to speak, understand, read and write the English language(说、听、读、写英文的能力) b. Ability to read significant literature in other languages than English(英语以外的语言能力) ④Character(品行) a. Honesty; integrity(诚实) b. Sincerity (诚恳) c. Sense of responsibility(责任感) d. Coorperation(合作) e. Enthusiasm (热诚) f. Conscientiousness(自觉性) g. Ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准) h. Reliability; dependability(可靠性) i. Concern for others(关怀他人) j. Patience (耐心) k. Perseverance (恒心) l. Seriousness of purpose(求学认真) m. Work habits (工作习惯) n. Initiative(主动性) o. Record of disciplinary action or misconduct(曾受弄罚或品行不良纪录) ⑤ Personality(个性) a. Amiability; amicability (和蔼) b. Cheerfulness (愉快) c. Ability to work with others (能否与他人相处) ⑥ Motivation (动力) a. Internal drive for exellence (好胜心) b. Objective defined (有无确定的目标) c. Capability of sustained independent work (长期独立工作的能力) d. Motivation to pursue graduate study(进入研究所的决心) ⑦ Leadership Ability (领导才能) ⑧ Emotion (情绪) a. Emotional maturity (心理成熟) b. Emotional balance (情绪稳定) c. Emotional adjustment (情绪调节能力) d. Temper (脾气) ⑨ Health(健康) a. Physical health(身体健康) b. Mental health (精神健康) c. Physical defects(生理缺陷) ⑩ Professional experience(工作经验) 看完以上内容,抓紧开始修改完善自己的推荐信吧。


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for a position as a computer

engineer in your company. First of all, your company is

the king in the area of software and is well-known for

its development of software. It would be a great

opportunity for me to start my career in the company.

What is more, my major is computer, and I have a strong

interest in software.

When I was still a freshman, I got Band Two certificate

for computer, which was outstanding in my class. Besides,

I have attended various computer contests and won top

prizes several times, which greatly enriched my knowledge

on computer. Finally, I had once worked part-timely in a

company for two years, and I gained wide experience in

software in these two years.

I would be pleased if you could offer me an opportunity

to interview me. Looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours

Li Hua.



Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to strongly recommend Mr. Zhou, a worthy youth, as a prospective candidate for your graduate program. As a former teacher of Mr. Zhou, I know him very well.

Mr. Zhou is enrolled in my class of Computer Network. He was always very active in class, coming up with novel and persuading solutions to questions met with in practical cases. He listened to the class very attentively; his notes were always clear and clean. And he was always the active student in the discussion with the classmates and me. I was delighted to see that some of his questions were thoughtful. Some of his comments showed that he grasped the fundamental theories of the subject well and he had obvious got a lot of nutrition from extensive readings.

He once told me that he enjoyed my class because he is interested in computer technology; and my class satisfied his curiosity of the world of computer network. With keen curiosity and intuition, he was always trying to get a thorough understanding of every important concept of my class.

And I would like to add that Mr. Zhou is a nice young boy. Through my association with him, I found him Active, enthusiasm, sociable, considerate and ready to help others. He wiped the blackboard for me at the end of my class sometimes and often bought his note book for his classmates who fell to take notes in my class.

Because of Mr. Zhou's diligence and trustworthy personality, I am sure you will find him a diligent and pleasant person to work with. I recommend him to you without any reservation.

Yours honestly,


Associate Professor


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