

12月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[大学生贫困申请书1000字]尊敬的学院领导: 您们好!由于家处农村,那里交通阻塞,经济落后,家境贫困。父母都是农民而且年纪比较大,加之没有特长只能做靠务农为生,基本没有经济来源。母亲在数年之前,生了一场...+阅读

Professor Li xian remended that I contact you about your departmets program in anic chemistry. I am his assistant and am working in t he Institute of Environmental Chemistry , Academia Sinica , Beijing , China. Last year, I graduated from the Graduate School of Academia Sinica with a n MS degree in modern chemistry. Since then I he been studying chemical and bi ochemical synthesis of polymer, carbohydrates and natural pounds. This has en abled me to publish several research papers.Interested in going to the United States for further studies, I am looking for a n American university which best suits my purpose . I he read some of your boo ks and papers , and he found that your findings and theories are of guiding im portance to my academic pursuits.

Professor Li also told me that your wide exper iences in anic chemistry and the well-equipped laboratories in your universit y would be of great help to me. I am hoping that there will be an opportunity to study under your guidance for a PH. D. degree. I would appreciate any suggesti ons you might he for me concerning formal application procedures or other matt ers.I would also like to know about the possibility of receiving financial support f rom your university. Enclosed is a copy of my resume so that you will he additional information abo ut my educational and professional background. If you need any further informati on, I would be happy to send it to you.

Thank you very much in advance for your attention to these matters. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours, Wang Zhiwei


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