

01月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[清算报告的模板]思科律所-律师助理为您解答: **公司股东会: 根据**公司 年 月 日召开的股东会决议,本清算组自 年 月 日正式成立,现将本清算组成立后开展的清算工作报告如下: 一、清算工作的步骤...+阅读

只有英文的,没有信用证是用中文的。 IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT APPLICATION TO : BANK OF CHINA DATES: ( ) Issue by airmail ( ) With brief advice by teletransmission( ) Issue by express delivery(x ) Issue by teletransmission (which shall be the operative instrument) Irrevocable Documentary NumberCredit Date and place of expiry: Aug 30, 2007 Applicant: SHANGHAI BAUD DATA COMMUNICATION CO., LTDNo.123, Juli Road, Pudong Zhangjiang High-Tech Park,Shanghai 201203, P.R.China BeneficiaryLeCroy Corporation, 700Chestnut Ridge Road, Chestnut Ridge, New York 10977Tel:1-845-4252000 Fax:1-845-4258967 Advising Bank: Ref. Nr Amount: USD50,000.00 Partial shipments( )allowed (x)not allowed) Transshipment( )allowed (x)not allowed) Credit available with( ) by sight payment( ) by acceptance(x ) by negotiation( ) by deferred payment atagainst the documents detailed herein(x ) and beneficiary's draft for 100 % of the invoice valueat sighton Bank of China Loading on board / dispatch / taking in charge at / from New York AirportNot later than: Aug 20, 2007For transportation to: Shanghai Airport ( ) FOB ( )CFR (x)CIF SHANGHAI( )or other terms Documents required: (marked with x)1.(x) 1.(x)Manually Signed Commercial Invoice in 3 copies indicating this L/C No.and Contract No. G123/07B (Photo copy and carbon copy not acceptable as original)2.( ) Full set (included original and non-negotiable copies) of clean on board “Freight ” ocean Bills of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed, marked " notifying 3.(x ) Air Waybills showing “Freight Prepaid ” and consigned to Applicant4.( )Railway Bills showing “Freight ”and consigned to5.( ) Memorandum issued by _________________consigned to __________ 6.(x) Full set (included 1 original and 1 copies) of Insurance Policy / Certificate for 110 % of the invoice value, showing claims payable in China in currency of the draft, bank endorsed, covering ( ) Ocean Marine Transportation / (x ) Air Transportation / ( ) Over Land Transportation) All Risks, War Risks. 7.(x) Weight Memo / Packing List / in 3 copies issued by Beneficiaryindicating quantity / gross and net weights of each package and packing conditions as called for by the L/C. Packed in sea worth wooden cases.8.( ) Certificate of Quantity / Weight in 2 copies issued an independent surveyor at the loading port, indicating the actual surveyed quantity / weight of shipped goods as well as the packing condition. 9.(x) Certificate of Quality in 2 copies issued by (x ) manufacturer / ( ) public recognized surveyor / ( ) 10.(x) Beneficiary's certified copy of FAX dispatched to the accountees with 3 days after shipment advising (X) name of flight / (X) date, quantity, weight and value of shipment. 11.( ) Beneficiary's Certificate certifying that extra copies of the documents have been dispatched according to the contract terms. 12.( ) Shipping Co's Certificate attesting that the carrying vessel is chartered or booked by accountee or their shipping agents: 13.(x) Other documents, if any::a) Certificate of Three Years Free Warranty in China issued by Beneficiary.b) Operation instruction BookCovering: 1.(x) All banking charges outside the opening bank are for beneficiary's account. 2. (x) Documents must be presented with 15 days after the date of issuance of the transport documents but within the validity of this credit. 3. (x ) Third party as shipper is not acceptable. Short Form / Blank Back B/L is not acceptable. 4. ( ) Both quantity and amount 10 % more or less are allowed. 5. ( ) prepaid freight drawn in excess of L/C amount is acceptable against presentation of original charges voucher issued by Shipping Co. / Air line / or it's agent.6. (x ) All documents to be forwarded in one cover, unless otherwise stated above. 7. ( ) Other terms, if any: Account No.: With (name of bank) Transacted by: (Applicant: name, signatyure of authorized person) Telephone No. (with seal) HS CODE:


谁有新员工培训计划书的模板新员工入职培训计划书 (1) 新员工基本情况: 姓名 电 话 岗位 学 历 相关工作经历(年) 本岗位入职时间 岗位培训负责人 一线经理 电话 岗位教练 电话 后勤支持 电话 入职前的综合...

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急需本科生毕业论文答辩ppt模板关于内容: 1、一般概括性内容:课题标题、答辩人、课题履行时间、课题领导教师、课题的回属、致谢等。 2、课题研究内容:研究目标、计划设计(流程图)、运行进程、研究成果、创新性...

求论文的格式以及答辩ppt的模板高瞻远瞩,高屋建瓴,为读者指出一条解决问题的思路。多从教育、政府规范和引导、法律严惩几个角度谈起。 所以我们要运用脑髓,放出眼光,自己来拿! 总之,我们要拿来。我们要或使用,或...
