[辞职信最好的理由!]辞职的三十八个原因 一、以家庭原因辞职的理由 1、父母生病了,需要回家照顾。 2、家里孩子太小,离不开。 3、家里准备盖房子。 4、家里庄稼要开始收割。 5、家里发生了邻里纠...+阅读
dear sir or madam:
i hereby present my resignation due to my poor health and some other personal affairs.
i would like to say ,having worked with you which are very excellent and nice for so many years ,i always have a deep sense of fortunateness and honor.and your kind and selfless help with my work are sincerely appreciated which has been deeply rooted in my heart and will still accompany me in the rest of my career.
however,the current state of my poor health appears not very compatible with my job and i have to reluctantly say i should quit considering the overall situation,furthermore,i want more spare time to take care of my family and better fulfill my commitment to my beloved ones.also i want to take a period of good rest and fully relax myself.maybe after that,i am eager to take some differt works and experience different evironments
it is really a difficult desicion for me .but i hope you can understand my dilemma and your acceptance of my resignation would be deeply appreciated.
warm regards and best wishes
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求一篇英文辞职信Dear XXX, I am writing this mail to announce that I am leaving the company due to my personal reason. I appreciate all co-workers' kindly help and all managemen...
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