[述职报告范本谁能提供一份谢谢]个人年度述职报告 部门: 姓名: 职务: 述职期间:自 年 月至 年 月 述职期间负责工作事项完成情况及收效简述 序号 工作事项 完成情况及收效 说明:1、可附页; 2、按时间顺序,仅对事件...+阅读
EIGHT-DISCIPLINE WORKSHEET Customer Name Model No. (Part#) Description Joyfame DV3 Turning the power OFF after very short time of power on.DISCIPLINE 1 MEMBERS Signature XXXXXXX DISCIPLINE 2 DESCRIBE THE PROBLEM (问题描述) DATE:2007/1/31 Customer Joyfame received NG DV3 which was returned from the end user, it was reported that the defective camera is automatically turning off after a very short time of power on, and the sample has been offered to Chicony for analysis since January 18, 2007.DISCIPLINE 3 CONTAINMENT PLAN (围堵计画) DATE:2007/1/311. The products are out of store at the factory2. Before the new battery connector are phased in the factory, we will add a station to do camera shaking test at the production line, in order to screen the defective products, if there is, all these products will be held up and await for replacement when the new battery connector are introduced to use.DISCIPLINE 4 DESCRIBE THE POSSIBLE CAUSE (原因描述) DATE:2007/1/31 Re-judgement. A. For the battery1. Turn on and turn off test, sometimes the camera can not turn on, and even sometimes it is automatically turning off after a very short time of power on.2. Slide open the battery cover, and take out the LI-ION battery, use a multimeter to do the voltage test, the voltage of the battery is 4.05V, recharge it in the battery charger until the indicator is on white, which indicates the charge is completed, test its voltage again and find the voltage is 4.22V, which meets the request that the voltage of the battery should be not less than 4.2V after charge.3. Put the charged battery back into the returned camera and do the same test, the duplicate result appear once again. 4. Take out the LI-ION battery and put it into another qualified Camera of DV3 model, and then do the same test, we find that the camera is working well .the above-mentioned defect disappear.B. For the camera: 1. Disassemble the defective camera, load with a full battery, turn on the camera, and then use a multimeter to test the input voltage of the main board (as Fig.1. between contacts A and B),we find that, at the very beginning, the input voltage is about 4.2V (the normal voltage to maintain the camera working is about 3.9V), but after a very short time, the camera is automatically turning off, measure the input voltage again, this time the voltage is about 3.6V,as what is mentioned above, the battery is full and its output voltage is 4.2V,but the input voltage of the main board is only 3.6V,so a connection defect may occur between these two parts, and the problem may be caused by the bad battery connector.Fig.1.The input voltage of the main board (between contact A and B)2. Use a qualified battery connector to replace the unqualified one, and then do the same test, we find that the input voltage of the main board is maintaining at about 4.2V, and the camera is working well, no defect occurs again.3. Use a multimeter to measure the resistor between the top probe and the base of the connector (as Fig.2.),we find that the resistor between these parts is vibrating from 0.2Ω to 0.8Ω.(the normal value is bout 0.1~0.2Ωsplit open the plastics coat on the probe(as Fig.3.)and then measure the resistor between the top probe and the bottom probe, and we find that resistor between these two parts is vibrating from 0.1Ω to 0.7Ω(the normal resistor is about 0.1Ω) Fig.2. The top probe and the base of the connector Fig.3.The top probe and the bottom probe5. According to the test results mentioned above, we know that the resistor between the top probe and the bottom probe is changeable, that is because a poor contact problem is occurring there, therefore, the voltage output is subject to change too, which leads to camera automatically turn off or even can't turn on.so we can draw to a conclusion that the root cause of the problem is the poor contact.DISCIPLINE 5 PERMANENT C/A PLAN (永久计划) DATE:2007/1/31 The factory inform the supplier of this failure information, and the supplier have dug out the following root cause: it is the insufficient plating that causes the poor contact problem, after discussion, we determine to make a design change by gilding more plating onto the probes, the thinness of the plating will be increased by 10 u” from the original 5u” to 15u”, furthermore, the spring inside the probe will be gilded with 15u” gold coat (Formerly this part didn't have any platingall the corrective actions will enhance the electric performance of battery connector , please refer to the following pictures for the structural drawing of probe and the live probe Fig.4. The structural ...
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