

03月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com






Gloriously witty adaptation of the Broadway musical about Professor Henry Higgins, who takes a bet from Colonel Pickering that he can transform unrefined, dirty Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle into a lady, and fool everyone into thinking she really is one, too! He does, and thus young aristocrat Freddy Eynsford-Hill falls madly in love with her. But when Higgins takes all the credit and forgets to acknowledge her efforts, Eliza angrily leaves him for Freddy, and suddenly Higgins realizes he's grown accustomed to her face and can't really live without it.

I have read in a great many places that Henry Higgins is a misogynist. It has also been said that the film is a misogynist's fairy tale. Anyone saying this has clearly not watched this film too closely.

First, Higgins is not a misogynist. A misogynist hates women. What Higgins is, in reality, is a misanthrope. A misanthrope basically dislikes and distrusts everyone! Pickering, Eliza's father, his own mother-everyone receives his rather cynical disdain. Some of the minor characters come off being treated worse than the principals do. It's simply more noticeable with Eliza because it's more frequent, it's newer with Eliza because the other principal characters have known Higgins longer and thus take it in stride. The myth that Higgins is a misogynist is perpetuated by the song, "Why Can't A Woman Be More Like a Man?".

Second, it can hardly be called a misogynist's fairy tale. If that were the case, I doubt Alfred Doolittle would have cause to sing, "Get Me To the Church On Time", as he'd hardly be getting married. His life is just as "ruined" as Eliza's by his encounters with Higgins, just as altered as her life has been.

This is a great musical, a good movie and it was even better as the original play by Shaw. Well worth seeing. Recommended.



(汤姆索亚历险记)content(内容) Tom Sawyer and his best friend, Huck Finn, tell stories, fish, and pretend to be pirates along the banks of the Mississippi River. Then they become real-life witnesses to a terrible crime! Whether Tom is running away from villains, treasure hunting, or showing off for Becky Thatcher, it's one thrilling escapade after another.(汤姆索亚和他最好的朋友,哈克芬,讲故事,鱼,假装自己是海盗沿着密西西比河银行。然后,他们成为现实生活中的证人,一个可怕的犯罪!无论是汤姆是离家出走,从恶棍,寻宝,或显示贝基撒切尔,它的一个又一个惊心动魄的越轨行为。 )(好词好句好短语 )gradient humor dier shut quotar secret dear honey golf cup 1 saturday morning came and, i like all saturdays,it was bright and sunny. perfect for going out to play.2 "i cried,i have cried,that already was the routine matter.that afrerward?"3 "to think well,tom! the wind indeed blew out any thing said.4 "are being many,but the present recorded has been not greatly clear"5 "no error!oh,oh! then say:tom!"shut up! oh my god! yes sir! that is ok! i think so!(感受)i feel tom is very brave and very clever ,i like him very well....


Today I read a long text, called "Little Scribe," it says is a twelve-year-old boy to help his father work, and his father refused to help his father on the night Dad do something good to reduce the family burden. And so, after four months, his grades getting worse, the spirit of good, often not the spirit of class. His father still did not notice, but also blame Syria and Leo and inattentive in class. Not even control him, he had thought to stop copying, study hard, one to twelve, a power made him continue copying. Finally have a night, he accidentally knocked over the book, alerted the father. Father knew the truth, my heart full of guilt and gratitude of Syria informed Leo.After reading this article, know that their feelings of father and son further distillation, sincere feeling between them. Leo understanding and considerate of others and Syria, understanding the character. And we have such a story around a year-old girl, his parents divorced, and he and his mother, unfortunately, suffering from a disease her mother, her helpless, a person dragged her mother took to the streets to buy some small samples in some markets, and then sold, and one day, her mother sudden illness, and she is very calm, quickly dialed 120, the car came loaded on the train to her mother taken to hospital . You think about a child as young as five years old to make these amazing actually behave, what is the power to promote such a strong little girl do? That is - love. Love is selfless, he can not make everyone atrophy, to really to be afraid of difficulties. Through a small transcribing and can we tell the story of a truth: "Suffering is a valuable asset in life." When Syria Leo scold his father endured as the family quietly and do their own contribution, I was kind of hard to describe feelings. So we must learn to Syria Leo, this is precisely that everyone must have the quality.


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