[英语没考好 1000字检讨怎么写]检讨书敬爱的老师:您好!由于这次考试成绩不理想,我的心里万分愧疚.我有负您一直以来对我的深切教诲和深深期盼,但是我已经努力了.这个成绩并不是我想要的结果,因为我也曾在考前做...+阅读
Honorific teacher:Today, I keep in mind sorry and ashamed write down this guarantee certificate for you to say to you my bad behavior in hasing a class to play a cellular phone, profoundly the understanding corrects false decision!If this is the once very deep check, I am very ashamed with I making this time of mistake, I really should not not value teacher's words, I should not disobey a teacher, we are completely students and then should listen to the teacher's words, but I this time have no good value the teacher speaks of words.I feel very sorry, I hope that the teacher can forgive my mistake, I this of repent really deep.The person always makes the false, certainly I know also not the ability use this as and lend, we still want and as far as possible avoid false occurrence like this, hope the heart of that the teacher can believe my and repent."The person has already lost a hand, Ma You slips".My bad behavior is to carry on a challenge to the teacher's discipline.Absolutely is a mistake, the teacher's words is very correct, be want to make mistake a mistake also should not again you of the in front make mistake a mistake, I feel really very ashamed, how can so of......The attitude that believes that the teacher sees me can also know that my affairs to this repented an attitude very profoundly, I so thus of value the affairs this time, hope the mistake that teacher can forgive me, I can promise to will 't definitely appear the figure of my cellular phone inside your view scope again from now on toward the teacher, also absolutely can't at have a class of time inside play a cellular phone again, can't let, either cellular phone at go to school of time inside switch on.If we are still students, there is no ability to the viewpoint that the words creation that the teacher speaks doesn't listen to, the only affair that can do of our student is thoroughly listen to a teacher and thoroughly study well, make the teacher able to trust, make the teacher able to trust.The affairs this time I really feel sorry, hope the teacher can forgive me, can approve the attitude that I admit mistake, I really have already profoundly examined oneself my mistake, please concern to take good care of my teacher's classmate to continue to inspect, help I correct weakness and obtain a greater progress!
英语不及格检讨书1000字拜托啊。。给个大体就行尊敬的老师: 您好!首先,我在此向你说一声对不起,我辜负了您对我的殷切希望。在这次期中数学考试中我惨败而归,不仅伤透了你的心,也让我无地自容。这次失败的原因,我分析了一下试卷,...
英语不优秀检查1000字本人XXX,自知这段时间表现不好,特此检讨。 我知道作为一个学生,任务就是学习。但是我显然没有很好的完成这个任务。对此我很悔恨。深刻总结了我的几个缺点。 首先,我总是上课说...
关于英语成绩的检讨书不要那么文艺给我凑够200字就行敬的英语老师:您好! 时间过得飞快,考试落下了帷幕。在每一次考试之后,始终有人高兴有人伤感。不幸的是,这一次我成了后者。半载艰苦卓绝的学习,到头来成绩不理想,让我深深地怀有一...
求英语成绩检讨书600 700字你上几年级?来大耳朵学习应经有快半个月的时间了,感觉这里真的很好。资源很多,更重要的是他鼓励大家坚持学英语。看了Maps的精华贴子,我也想说说我的英语学习历程,不过是不成功的...
外语没考好的检讨书检讨 这次英语考试,我的成绩很不理想,没有考到老师要求的分数以内,我反省了许多,感到十分愧疚。这次没达到老师的要求,我觉得主要是我的态度不好。在平时的学习中,我不太重视英语,...
英语考试检讨书怎么写尊敬的英语老师: 时间过得飞快,期末考试落下了帷幕。在每一次期末考试之后,始终有人高兴有人伤感。不幸的是,这一次我成了后者。半载艰苦卓绝的学习,到头来期末成绩不理想,让我深...
英语作业没写完的检讨1000字I didn't finish the teacher assigned homework today, I am very ashamed今天没有完成老师布置的英语作业,我很惭愧,老师我以后不会了,我会按时按质按量的完成你布置的每一项...