
急以 More Speaking More Success为主题的英语演讲稿

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Speaking well is the key to success in life I've never met a successful person who was a poor communicator. If you speak fluently and convincingly, people admire and respect you. They will listen to you, follow you, work for you. Good communication skills are the basis of leadership and the most important skills of all if you want to be successful in life. Let me tell you a story that illustrates this point. Some years ago, there was an experiment in the UK. People were asked to listen to a series of recordings of speakers with different accents and pronunciations. Some of the speakers spoke confidently and well, others did not. The listeners could not see the people on the recordings and they had never met them. Afterwards, the listeners were asked to choose the speakers they thought were more intelligent, more successful, more honest, and more beautiful. In almost every case, the listeners chose the people who spoke well. Good speaking skills give people a very good impression. Think about it. Language is the medium of education. In schools and universities, the articulate students get higher scores. Are they more intelligent? Who knows? As far as people are concerned, the way you speak defines who you are. It's obvious. Language is the medium of social interaction. It influences how we are judged by others, how we make friends, how we 'speak up' and assert ourselves. Children who learn from their parents the value of reading and speaking become more articulate and more successful. People who speak well get better jobs and get more promotion. Can you imagine a business or political leader who cannot speak well? Of course not. Now imagine how valuable it would be to have excellent communicatiuon skills in English! In fact, it's not that difficult. I can show you how. For 20 years I have taught people to speak English. I've made it my life's work to learn everything I can about how people learn it. My experience bears out exactly what I've said in the preceding paragraphs: people who are good at language, and who are taught well at language do better in life materially, intellectually, and in terms of self-expression. On this website I will share with you some of the things I've learned. Feel free to read the articles. If you really want to know more, however, I think you will need to come to see me. You need to practice. Welcome to Kai En, the experts in spoken English.


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