[寻简单的英语演讲稿]Teacher and classmates,my topic is Happiness,Happiness is for everyone.In fact,happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.When you are in trou...+阅读
ideal U life
Hi, everyone!I am *** , coming from the *** of the *** department .The very high heart can attend this English vernacular speech game.
Today, I talk the key of the life- University. have the opportunity into the university is a kind of to be honored very much, any treatments of honours all want to is fight for by unremitting effort.
The university is the key stage of the life.This is because of, enter university is you let go of for the first time in the whole life high test of heavy load, start pursue own ideal, interest; this is you escape from for the first time passive, free processing life have enough and study each kind of problem for meet, control all belong to own time.
The university is the key stage of the life.This is because of, this is the last opportunity to accept the education and build up the knowledge foundation systematically in your whole life.This be very likely to be your last one time can used for a time study of life stage, be also likely to be your last one time at opposite tolerate of, can place oneself in the study behavior conduct oneself in life of ideal environment.
The university is the key stage of the life.This is because of, all university students cherishes each" the last one time", do not let that the oneself regrets in not far future; want that the biggest degree land utilization uses the university life, do not seek to borrow!There is no end to learning, to hold tight any opportunity study, be like the sponge to absorb water similar absorb the knowledge.If you leave the time of university to still follow to look exactly alike to the hour, that you no wonder that other people, can blame you the oneself only.
My lecture finished, thank you!
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