[谁有关于卫生的演讲稿不能少于300子]《我爱我的校园》演讲稿尊敬的各位领导、老师们、亲爱同学们: 大家好!我演讲的题目是《校园是我家,环保靠大家》。时光匆匆,岁月无情,转眼间,我已经在这个学校度过了五个春秋。在...+阅读
I have a dream,
My dream is to build a “time machine”.
This time machine will take me back to the past and future.
We all know that the time can't come back.
But if it can go back to the past, can the result still be changed? Such as the moments when I did very badly on the test, when my friends got hurt, and embarrassed, and also have more time to play with my father.
Time will surely pass, but I just want to have less regret today.
Going to the future is to see myself in the future standing at the other end of the time and having a good time with Mom. Now I want to achieve these wishes, can I achieve them in the future?
But,think much of this, if I can't invent the time machine now, its not too bad because it's just imagination. I would study harder so as not have a lot of regrets in my life.
Thank you!
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