

02月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于母爱的演讲稿最好是新的]好把,我来给你写写. 还记得那首诗吗?"慈母手中线,游子身上衣。" 那是游子的异乡情怀,也是对母亲的思念.世界上没有一个人比母亲更担心子女的,没有一个人比母亲更关爱子女,没有一个人...+阅读

Everybody afternoon is good! Second time steps onto this to compete hires the tribune, the mood to be similarly excited, we should thank the hotel leader for to foster talent's good bitter intention, previous time competed hires the situation on to occur as if in yesterday, competes hires the mount guard lecture to cause me to obtain the opportunity which one time exercised, caused me to grow very quickly, my guts, the eloquence, the makings all had the distinct enhancement, I felt before was more self-confident than very many, I hoped each staffs all could treasure the opportunity, the brave station came up the participation in Taiwan to compete hires the lecture, regardless of whether one will succeed or fail, could harvest very much.Myself Chen Hui, passes through previous time competes hires the lecture, I thought everybody had a general understanding to me, if I also incessant again introduce oneself, wasted everybody the valuable time, if you did not know me, did not understand me, we communicated in private, good, returned to the proper topic, today I compete the post which hired am cafeteria manager.Competes hires this post, I am confident, the hotel dining development needs the dining culture gradually influencing, took cafeteria manager essential mold this culture, causes staff's thought idea to transform, from “wants me to do” turns “me to have to be dry”, take the good point of view, serves warmly as the guest, lets the visitor eat the delicacy cooked food, the diet culture, I believed the advanced management idea is easier to cause the hotel cafeteria to make the result to come, I will do the work to be able to be with emphasis “the work manner and the service idea” two aspects, if I will be able to campaign for successfully, I will be able to start from following several: First, the straight work manner, the setting up profession new atmosphere some operators thought the vegetable quality quantity in the past first, grade of service second, but practiced proved: Serves first, the vegetable next best.



求一篇关于母爱的演讲稿 530左右要有名人名言古诗名句和成语母爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即便在寒冷的冬天也能感受到温暖如春; 母爱是一泓清泉,让你的情感即便蒙上岁月的风尘仍然清澈澄净; 母爱是一株树,在季节的轮回中固执地坚守家园,撑一树...

请高手帮忙关于母爱的演讲稿叶子,是树叶的眼泪,它感激树叶对它的娇生惯养:树木,是太阳的眼泪,它感激太阳对它的百般呵护;而我,是母亲的眼泪,我感激母亲对我的养育之恩。 出生的时候我哭了,你笑了;离开的时候,你笑...

求母爱演讲稿需三分钟 。好背点的母爱是一种无私的力量,它像春天的甘霖,洒落在我们的心中,虽然它悄无声息,却滋润着一棵棵生命的幼苗成长。 人的一生,在世界上一切的光荣和骄傲,都来自于母爱,母爱就是神圣的,它有时...

作文感恩母爱演讲稿内容以小见大感恩母爱{演讲稿} 一道美味的食物有人尝了一小口就给另一个人,这是谁和谁?有人吃的之剩下一小口才给另一个人,这又是谁和谁?答案其实很简单,前者是父母与孩子,后者是孩子与父母。...

母爱无疆的演讲稿怎么写母爱无疆 演讲稿 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好早上好! 母爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即便在寒冷的冬天也能感受到温暖如春;母爱是一泓清泉,让你的情感即便蒙上岁月的风尘仍然清澈...

关于母亲的演讲稿有一个人,她永远占据在你心最柔软的地方,你愿用自己的一生去爱她;有一种爱,它让你肆意的索取、享用,却不要你任何的回报……这个人,叫“母亲”,这种爱,叫“母爱”! 5月13日是母亲节,是...

关于母爱的演讲稿【1】 母爱就像空气,阳光和水,拥有它就拥有了世上的珍宝,什么也不能换取,它让平凡的生活充满色彩,但没有它,即使有世上的珍宝,也不过是一堆货物而已。经历坎坷的朋友如是告诉我。...

