

02月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Multicultural Treatment Manual for Harmful Behavior is a crucial treatment manual that can be used by mental health professionals whose caseload includes a multicultural population of adolescents and young adults who exhibit multiple forms of harmful behavior. This unique therapy enhances relapse prevention in harmful behavior treatment by addressing the target behavior problem, negative social influence problem, and dose-response problem, along with acknowledging that harmful behavior is multicultural and addressing the key criticisms of multicultural therapy through a theory-driven treatment approach that utilizes methods and procedures from existing evidence-based treatments with known multicultural applications. Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Multicultural Treatment Manual for Harmful Behavior provides a comprehensive explanation of Social Responsibility Therapy, its advantages, and the intervention evidence-base for multiple forms of harmful behavior. This text discusses in detail the multicultural intervention approach, its rationale, and content. Implementation methods and treatment protocol are explored. The book includes illustrated case studies, tables, figures, and references to additional available readings.


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