[入学生会外联部复试的即兴演讲我大至要说些什么呢]各位老师,同学们,大家好! 我叫xx,竞选职务为外联部部员。 我把外联的功能概括为三个方面:一是资金,二是联系,三是人气。资金指外联部必须尽全力为学校的活动获得资金支持。联系则是...+阅读
Dear Students and members of the teachers
Today I would like to say "love"
Love, can be divided into very much kind.Friendship is love, Parent-child relationship is love, Love is a kind of true love, Love is a broad sentiment, love is a force, so that moved each one of us . Love is a gift, it is a selfless giving. Love is an asset, so that others feel happy. Love is a kind of faith, that make people a goal. love is a desire, people are yearning for a day.
Love for our own country is a big love, love for everyone is a small love, no matter how big or small, love is the performance of all our hearts, That is our most true Sentiment.
Learn to love.when you loved others, others will be also loved you. Have a mutual love, the world will be more beautiful, have a mutual love, society be more harmonious.
Thank you.
外联部竞选演讲稿幽默竞选演讲稿 尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的学生代表们: 你们好! 我是 2011 级外联部干事王馨莹,非常感谢学院能给我这次机会 站在这里进行演讲,我要竞选的是外联部部长一职。 白驹过隙,来...
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