[求爱国的演讲稿大概250字左右]敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是《祖国在我心中》 我想问大家一个问题:在你们心中,谁最伟大?我想,答案一定是两个字——祖国. 今天的中国,各方面都取得了举世...+阅读
How To Learn English Well A lot of people like English. As the society advances, it is very important for us to learn English well. In fact, It is not very difficult to learn English well. First, we must find a good method to learn English. I believe in determination and hard work. As the saying goes “Nothing In The World Is Difficult If You Put Your Heart Into It” Believe in yourself, and have confidence in yourself. As a student, in classes we should listen to the teacher attentively and make notes carefully. Be active in answering the teacher's question and asking some questions , After classes, we should do our homework first, and be careful with the homework. Then we can preview the contents of tomorrow. In my spare time, I often listen to English programs in the radio or watch programs on TV. It's an efficient way to improve my ability of listening comprehension. I also love to read English novels or magazines. It's a good way to build up my vocabulary. My favorite English magazine is English Pictorial. It's very helpful for us middle school students. It widens my scope of knowledge. In addition, I practice speaking English with my teacher and my classmates every day. I also persist in keeping a diary in English .Sometimes, I think that it's a bit difficult for me to learn English well, but I never give up. I just work hard on it. My dear friends, if you want to learn English well, just choose a good method and then try your best with your hard work and determination. Maybe some people don't like English , thus we must cultivate the interest of English. Interest is the best teacher. We are sure to have a good result with great interest. Let's learn English well together.
小学五年级升旗仪式演讲稿1至2分钟内的展开全部 甲:尊敬的老师 ! 乙:亲爱的同学们 ! 合:早上好 ! 甲:崭新的一周又开始了。 乙: 在期盼中我们又迎来这庄严而又神圣的一刻。 今天的升旗仪式由我们五年级 三班主持。 甲:...
跪求:2010三八妇女节演讲稿亲爱的妈妈: 您好!“三八”妇女节就快到了,在您的节日到来之际,我衷心的祝您生活幸福,健康平安。我要对您说:妈妈,您辛苦了! 您对我的爱,犹如绵绵春雨一样温暖,您的关爱,又像滔滔江水一...
小学六年级升旗演讲稿敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们:大家早上好。今天,我能荣幸的站在国旗下,是老师和同学们对我的信任,我一定会当好这个升旗手的。我是五年级 (1)班的张三。我是一个称职的班委,我的工作很辛...
高三班长发表关于纪律的演讲稿敬爱的家长们:下午好,我是一班班长,很荣幸能代表学生在这里发言。感谢家长们在百忙之中抽出时间来参加高 一、一班的家长会。时光流逝,转眼我们已经度过了快一个半学期的高中生...
写一篇关于敬老院感恩演讲稿尊敬的各位老师、亲爱的同学们: 上午好!很荣幸能代表全体同学在本次活动中发言。 尊老敬老是我们中华民族的传统美德,是先辈们传承下来的宝贵精神财富。重视人伦道德,敬老尊老是...
求一篇电力企业演讲稿以刚刚踏入供电公司的员工的语气主题是诚信是个人的立身之本,民族的存亡之根。一个不讲诚信的个人是社会的危险品,而一个不讲诚信的民族是莫大的悲哀. 因此,我们“企业名称”更应身体力行,从我做起,从点滴做起,把诚写在...
急需一篇通讯稿关于演讲比赛的!洪战辉事迹的精神体现在以下几个方面:一是自立。洪战辉在家庭十分困难的环境下发奋读书,实现了上大学的梦想。在大学读书期间,他把十 一、二岁的妹妹带在身边,一边读书,一边照料...