

02月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[给我一篇英语作文关于money]Money What is money?someone says it is nothing while others say it is the most important thing in their life and without it they can't live any longer. It said:...+阅读

No air means death. Although we can't see it, there is air round us.So air is everywhere and it gives life to every living thing. Without it we can't live. Bad air makes people ill.We must have fresh air to keep ushealthy. In the city there are a great many people and there are too many cars running on the roads. The gas which the cars spread out is full of poison. Every day we breathe it in and out. Besides so many cars, there are many factories too.From the chimneys of these factories, we get the smoke usually in a black or grey color. This kind of smoke, when it mixes with the air, is dangerous to our health. It is because smoke contains many small poisonous soils and gases. So in order to keep healthy we have to go out to the countryside to breathe more fresh air. Or we can go up hills to get more fresh air.


求一份通常你如何花费你的零用钱的英语演讲稿How to spend your Pocket Money properly?With the development of our modern society, people's living conditions become much more comfortable. But along with inte...

求一篇五分钟左右的英语演讲稿!内容 money is the most importantof course not. there are too many things improtant in our lives. but what's the most important thing? this question is a little bit deeper. but i guess everyone...

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以不从众为题的演讲稿从众效应:勿做盲目的追随者 从众心理,是指人们在生活中,会自觉不自觉地以多数人的意见为准则,进而做出判断、形成印象化的心理。它告诉人们,当一个人在一种真实的或臆想的群体压...

以拒绝盲从学会选择为主题写一篇英语作文adreep.cn/cz/50074.html看看;t have the best of both worlds. When you are to make a choice, because people often want to have all the things he choose. 更多去英语...


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